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Obituary: Mike Patterson

Mike Patterson undertook his medical training at the University of Birmingham Graduating in 1971. Mike stayed in Birmingham for clinical training then embarked on his MD thesis examining the risks of malignancies in Menopausal  women, and he continued his research interests in the menopause throughout his career.  He then completed his clinical training in Bradford and then Leeds – where he developed his interest in Gynaecological Oncology working with Roger Peel.

In 1982 Mike was appointed as a Consultant at the Northern General Hospital in 1982, which subsequently  transferred to the Jessop Wing in 2001.

During his post – Mike embraced administrative duties, becoming Chairman of the Medical Staff Committee at the Northern, Secretary of the Ethics Committee and Chairman of the Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. He was elected to the RCOG Council swerving from 2002-8, became involved in the working parties on Workforce, Finance and Executive committees. Mike was also elected to the Chair of the Management Audit Committee.

One of Mike proudest achievements was the establishment  of the Gynaecological Oncology Centre in Sheffield, with the centralisation of care, the appointment of Nurse Specialists and other Gynaecological Oncologists, along with ensuring Sheffield became an RCOG Training Centre in Gynaecological Oncology.

He also has a keen interest in Training both as Director of Training in Gynaecological  Oncology and Training Programme Director for Obstetrics & Gynaecology in North Trent. He was on the National Clinical Assessment Service assessing poorly performing doctors. His insight into the complex issues surrounding poorly performing doctors is reflected in his comment that  from his experience ‘There were very few poorly performing doctors but there were many poorly performing clinical relationships between colleagues and management’.

Mike also had an important life outside of medicine – mainly his family and golf. He was married to Sue – a retired nurse who survives him as does his daughter Nicola, son Duncan and grandson Luke. Charlotte his other daughter sadly died from the effects of neurofibromatosis aged only 22, in 2005.

Regarding his golf – he had played for Birmingham University as an undergraduate [with a handicap of 4!] and won the Universities Golf Championship. When he died he was the Captain of the Hallamshire Golf Club.

Mike was also a proud to be a  member of the Travellers – always keen to play golf naturally, and he and Sue attended  many of the overseas meetings. He was also a regular member of the TENS club .

Mike trained many Obstetricians & Gynaecologists over the years- was well respected, liked, and very much admired by all the trainees and staff where he worked. He will be remembered by many colleagues for ‘pink shirt’ Friday, the wearing of Xmas jumpers, his expression ‘are you with me’ the fact that the change in his pocket could never stay still – not forgetting  his unique form of jokes – all bad and used most often when applying pressure on some part of the abdomen to stop bleeding – it always did…


Sean Kehoe
November 2017
