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Obituary: Nawal Afifi

Nawal Afifi, retired consultant obstetrician &gynaecologist at Umm Al Quwain Hospital, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Born in Cairo 12th of June 1929. Died on 13th February 2018 at her home in Cairo. Graduated from Cairo University 1953 MB.CH.B, DGO 1956, MRCOG 1981. Nawal married at the age of 17. Her daughter was born as she joined medical school, followed by her son while still in training. She worked at the Ministry of Health hospitals in Cairo in our speciality.

Dr. Afifi was seconded to Benghazi Libya in 1957. She returned to her post at Al Galaa Maternity Teaching Hospital in Cairo. In the early seventies Nawal returned to Libya. Following passing part one MRCOG in 1974 she came to the UK to work at the Royal Maternity Hospital Belfast 1975-1977. As the first female doctor in her family she set an example with hard work, determination and passion.

She Moved to UAE in 1981 and remained there for nearly 20 years. Nawal was predeceased by her husband Foud, a banker, in 1988. She leaves a daughter, a doctor, and a son. 4 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.

Hani Youssef FRCOG
