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Obituary: Osama El-Sayed Farouz Abdalla

Osama El-Sayed Farouz Abdalla, Consultant Obstetrican and Gynecologist, Ministry of Health, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Born 10th august 1950, died 13th May 2013 in Saudi Arabia following a road traffic accident. Graduated from Alexandria University, Egypt 1974, MB.CHB, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P June 1980, M.R.C.O.G 1984. After house jobs in Egypt, Osama came to the U.K at the end of 1978. He started his training in Obstetrics & Gynecology in Kent, followed by a registrar post at the West Middlesex Hospital. He moved overseas to work in Saudi Arabia as a consultant. He developed a special interest in infertility and I.V.F, he used to return to the U.K for training and locum work. He opened his I.V.F Centre in his beloved city of Alexandria, Egypt. He returned to Saudi Arabia in the last 5 years. He left his wife Mona, son and two daughters.

Hani Youssef FRCOG
