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Obituary: Raymond Trygve Booth

Dr Raymond Booth was born on the 14th of July 1925.

Dr Booth served as a Navigator Air Crew in the RAF, Lancaster Bomber's, Bomber Command from December 1943 to May 1947 prior to undertaking his undergraduate studies.

Dr Booth graduated from the Middlesex Hospital Medical School and acquired his MBBS in 1953. During postgraduate training, he worked as a Resident Medical Officer at Queen Charlotte's Hospital and the Hospital for Women in Soho Square, then as a Lecturer in Anatomy and as a Registrar at the Middlesex Hospital and the Hospital for Women in Soho Square.

He served as a locum assistant and then Senior Registrar to Professor Chassar Moir at Oxford University and subsequently Senior Lecturer at the Postgraduate Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Queen's Charlotte and Chelsea Hospital. In 1965, he was appointed Consultant to the then SE Essex Group of Hospitals, Basildon and Billericay. He retired in 1985 from the NHS.

Dr Booth obtained his MRCOG in 1958 and was awarded the Green-Armytage Travelling Scholarship in 1963. He served as the Honorary Secretary of the RCOG from 1977 to 1981 and during that time was also an examiner for the Diploma and Membership examinations. He travelled extensively in Europe and the Middle East, to carry out postgraduate training activities on behalf of the College.

Dr Booth was a member of the Blair Bell Research Society and the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries. He was also Vice President of the Health Visitors Association and a lecturer for the Family Planning Association and Margaret Pyke Institute.

I met Ray on several occasions as he was a close friend of Mr John Carron Brown, an ex Council member himself and my next-door neighbour. Ray was a warm, kind man who remembered his roles with the College with great affection and humour.

Ray died on 29th July 2006 at the age of 81. He is survived by his wife, Enid and four children.
