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Membership fees and payment FAQs

Our answers to these frequently asked questions should provide you with everything you need to know about your fees and payment options.

Fees are shown on the main Renew your membership page.

Your RCOG membership becomes due annually on 31 January.

Members will be provided with notification for renewal in November/December, which will include details of our standard membership fees and Direct Debit collections.

You can pay by:

Direct Debit (UK Bank accounts only)

To set up a Direct Debit please log in to your secure RCOG Online account and select the ‘Payments’ section. All outstanding fees will be listed in this section together with the option to set up a new Direct Debit.


You can spread the cost of membership over four instalments in January, March, May and July or pay in one total amount.

Please notify us if you have set up a Direct Debit using a third party’s bank or building society.


For more information, see our Direct Debit FAQs below

Online by credit/debit card

To pay using a credit card, log in to your RCOG account and go to "Payments".

The College can accept:

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • UK Maestro
  • Solo
  • Switch
  • Access

We regret that the RCOG does not accept payment by American Express.

Bank transfer

Please contact the Finance Department by email at, or by phone at +44 (0) 20 7772 6310, for more information on how to pay by bank transfer. Please email remittances to and quote your College account number in all transactions.

Telephone by credit/debit card

Telephone +44 (0) 20 7772 6310.

By telephone, the College can accept: Visa, MasterCard and UK Maestro or Solo

Other methods of payment

To discuss any method of payment other than the above, please contact our Finance Department at

Membership subscriptions become due on 31 January each year and it’s important that your fees are paid as promptly as possible. We recognise and accept that payments may take some time to arrange, particularly for those members based overseas. Nevertheless, members who are in arrears for a four month period or more will have their benefits removed.

Members who are in arrears for a period of seven months or more will be removed from the Register and will no longer be considered to be a Fellow or Member of the College. You’ll be required to pay all outstanding fees prior to your name being submitted to Council for consideration for reinstatement.

If you’re a UK tax payer you can reduce the cost of your subscription fee through tax relief. In addition, you may also be able to backdate your claim for previous years. You can use your subscription receipt that is automatically sent to you each year following fee payment for this purpose.

Please contact your tax advisor or HM Revenue and Customs for advice concerning your individual claim and circumstances.

The amount you can reclaim will depend on a number of factors, including your subscription fee level and your tax situation. As a guide, members who are UK tax payers can claim up to 40% on their RCOG subscription.

Yes – please email or call us on +44 (0) 207 772 6411 to submit your request.

Direct Debit FAQs

Essential information and frequently asked questions on paying your membership fees by Direct Debit.

Your RCOG membership fee is due by 31 January.

Direct Debit offers a convenient way to pay your membership subscription fees. It helps you spread the cost of payment and is automated.  We notify you before each payment is taken so you can keep on top of your payments. To set up a Direct Debit please log in to your secure RCOG Online account and select the ‘Payments’ section. All outstanding fees will be listed in this section together with the option to set up a new Direct Debit.


  • Friday 31 January 2025
  • Monday 31 March 2025
  • Tuesday 27 May 2025
  • Monday 28 July 2025

Direct Debit instructions submitted after Wednesday 15 January 2025 may be included within a subsequent collection on Monday 31 March 2025.

Instalments and frequency FAQs

A receipt for each instalment payment will not automatically be provided.

However, they can be requested from the Finance Department at or +44 (0) 207 772 6411.

A formal receipt will be sent once the final instalment has been collected and your full fee paid.

If you are setting up a new Direct Debit, you can select your preferred payment frequency during the set up process. You can select to pay either in a single amount or in four instalments. Single amount Direct Debits can be accepted up until Tuesday 1 July. Four instalment Direct Debits can be accepted up until Monday 3 March.

If you’re an existing Direct Debit payer and decide that you wish to amend the way to pay for your membership, please contact the Finance Team who will be able to advise you.


You can cancel your instalment Direct Debit at any time. However, you will not be allowed to resume Direct Debit payments until the following year.

Payment of any outstanding balance would need to be paid by credit/debit card, cash, cheque or bankers draft.

If you don’t pay your membership fee in full, access to your benefits will be stopped.

Unfortunately, we’re unable to set up a monthly Direct Debit at this time.

However, you do have the option to spread the cost of membership over four equal instalments in January, March, May and July.

Please contact the Finance Team at or 020 7772 6310 to request this change.

You'll receive formal confirmation from the College once the switch has taken place.

We’ll write to inform you of the failed Direct Debit and you’ll be given the opportunity to rectify the problem ahead of the next collection date.

Unfortunately, two failed Direct Debit collections will result in the removal of the option to pay by the instalment payment plan.

Payment of any remaining outstanding balance would need to be paid by cheque, credit/debit card, cash or bankers draft.

If your Direct Debit has not started or fails, you’ll need to ensure that we have your correct bank details.

We strongly recommend you do not email your bank details to us.

Please contact the Finance Department direct on 020 7772 6310 between 9am and 5pm (UK time) Monday to Friday.

If you don’t pay your membership fee in full, access to your benefits will be stopped.

The RCOG has a responsibility under the Data Protection Act not to disclose or confirm personal information, including membership details to any third party.

If a third party pays your membership fee, we urge you to set up a password only you and the third party acting on your behalf know. This will be used as a security check for identity verification purposes. Please contact the Finance Department on 020 7772 6310 to make this arrangement.

No, we can only set up a Direct Debit at the request of you as an RCOG member.

However, we can set up a Direct Debit using a third party's bank or building society. Please notify us of their details by returning the authorisation form (Word document 890kb).

Concessions and special circumstances FAQs

Fellows and Members can apply for a concession on their annual subscription payment if they are on parental leave or find themselves in special circumstances or facing financial hardship.

  • If you are a Fellow or Member taking parental leave, you will be eligible for a concessionary rate on your fees.
  • For reasons other than parental leave, you may be eligible for a concession on your subscription fees if you are earning less than the income threshold outlined below.

The concession rate is split into 2 tiers:

  • Tier 1: Those earning below £37,500 pay 33% of the full subscription fee in the UK.
  • Tier 2: Those earning between £37,500 and £50,000 pay 66% of the full subscription fee in the UK.

Overseas thresholds are detailed below

UK/ Overseas Membership Tier 1: Income concession threshold Tier 2: Income concession threshold
UK Fellow/Member £37,500 £50,000
Overseas Fellow/Member Band A £16,789 £20,147
  Fellow/Member Band B £9,559 £11,470
  Fellow/Member Band C £5,699 £6,838

Concessions deadline: 28 February

Your subscription payment is due on 31 January.

If you would like to apply for a concessionary rate, you will need to notify the Membership team by 28 February of the year for which you wish to pay a reduced fee.

If your circumstances change after this date then please contact the Membership team at to discuss your particular circumstances.

To apply for a concession (including parental leave concession) you will need to complete and sign the concession declaration form (Word document) and submit it to the Membership team via email.

Your request for a concession will only be applied to the specific renewal year in question.

If you have questions about the concessions and would like to speak to the Membership team, please email us or call us on +44 (0) 20 7045 6776.
