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Trainees already working in O&G

For information about the specialty training programme in O&G, including the curriculum, please see Careers & Training.

Trainees' Register

UK trainees must join the Trainees’ Register, which provides a range of benefits specifically designed to support training.

Being on the Trainees’ Register also gives you access to the secure trainees’ pages of the website, where you can access reports from Trainees’ Committee meetings and contact details for your local trainee representative.

International trainees are encouraged to join as an RCOG Associate.

Trainees' Committee

The RCOG Trainees' Committee represents trainees' views on College committees and in other groups such as the Academy Trainees Group. Members are elected by trainees in all regions in the UK and Republic of Ireland.

Students and junior trainees

If you’re a foundation year doctor or medical student who’s thinking about a career in O&G, please visit the careers section of the website.

For UK trainees only

Join the Trainees' Register

Register with the College to gain access to a range of benefits.
