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Blog from RCOG President: August 2024
News about the launch of the College’s new Curriculum 2024, a new gynaecology dashboard which reveals the scale of UK non-cancer hospital waits, and an update on the College’s Maternity Safety focus.
Tuesday 6 August 2024
Why sustainability in maternity care matters to us
In this blog, Emma Crookes, RCOG Women’s Network co-Vice Chair and Chair of the Lived Experience Group for the Taking collective action to deliver low carbon, equitable maternity care project, explains why sustainability in maternity care is so important.
Friday 16 August 2024
Blog: Sims Black Travelling Professorship 2023
Peter von Dadelszen FRCOG, is the Professor of Global Women’s Health at King’s College London and RCOG International Council Representative for America, Australasia and the Pacific Rim. Read about Professor Peter von Dadelszen’s, experience of winning the Sims Black Travelling Professorship in 2023.
Friday 26 July 2024