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Draft guideline on Outpatient Hysteroscopy opens for consultation

13 Feb 2023

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has opened a consultation on a draft guideline relating to outpatient hysteroscopy. 

The Outpatient Hysteroscopy Green-top Guideline (GTG) aims to provide clinicians with up to date, evidence-based information regarding outpatient hysteroscopy, with particular reference to minimising pain and optimising the patient experience. The scope has been widened since the first edition of the guideline to cover operative outpatient hysteroscopy, prevention of infection, training and documentation.

Hysteroscopy is a common and valuable procedure used to diagnose and treat gynaecological conditions. The procedure involves examining the inside of the uterus (womb). This is done by passing a thin telescope-like device that is fitted with a small camera through the neck of the womb (cervix). The healthcare professional doing the procedure can then see whether there are any problems inside the uterus that may need further investigation or treatment. It may be possible for a minor procedure to be done in the same visit such as endometrial biopsy, polyp removal, small fibroid removal or removal of a coil.

The majority of women and people have an acceptable experience of outpatient hysteroscopy, with pain levels tolerable to them and rapid recovery. However, for some women it is an unpleasant, and even traumatic, experience because of the pain.

This guideline has been developed with the voice of the patient. Lay representatives from the RCOG Women’s Network are members of the Guideline Committee through which this resource has been developed and reviewed. The feedback we receive through this consultation will be carefully considered and used to finalise this guideline. A draft patient information resource will also be going out for consultation. This resource aims to complement the Guideline and provide patients with evidence based information to support informed decision making.

Mrs Geeta Kumar, Vice President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, said:

“This is a very important guideline which aims to improve the experience of women undergoing outpatient hysteroscopy.

“The College is committed to ensuring good quality care for everyone who needs gynaecology care. Therefore we welcome feedback on this draft to ensure the guideline is the best it can be for clinicians and the individuals who undergo an outpatient hysteroscopy.”
  • The draft guideline will be open for consultation until Monday 13 March.
  • To find out more and feedback on the guideline click here.
  • For patient information on Outpatient Hysteroscopy please click here. 
  • Click here to read the Good Practice Paper No. 16 Pain Relief and Informed Decision Making for Outpatient Hysteroscopy.
  • Clinical and research
  • Gynaecology