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New patient animation sets out what to expect from a caesarean birth

27 Nov 2024

The RCOG has launched a new animation to support the informed consent process for pregnant women and birthing people planning a caesarean birth. This crucial conversation takes place between an individual and their clinician ahead of having a caesarean, discussing the key associated risks they should be informed of before the birth. 

This new animated resource should be used in tandem with the RCOG Consent Advice on Planned Caesarean Birth, and should supplement, not replace, individual conversations between women and birthing people and clinicians as part of an informed consent process. Importantly, the resource is also not intended to be used as an aid to decide whether or not to have a caesarean birth.

Dr Geeta Kumar, Vice President of the RCOG, said:
“Once a pregnant woman or birthing person has decided to have a planned caesarean birth, the consenting process involving an informed discussion with their health care professional is a really important step. We produced this resource to support such consent conversations, setting out in simple terms and imagery the key issues that should be covered.  Clinicians can signpost women and birthing people to watch the animation in their own time, and with their family member or friend as desired.  This resource is based on our existing ‘Consent Advice on Planned Caesarean Birth’ and ‘Patient Information for those considering a caesarean birth’, and supports building a picture of the potential risks and benefits of caesarean birth as described in the NICE guidance NG192.
“We’re hugely grateful to all of the individuals and organisations who helped to develop this animation and sincerely appreciate the feedback from our women’s network members. This was really important in making sure the information presented is informative and accessible, and the needs and preferences of women and birthing people were at the forefront throughout the development process. I’d also like to thank to the members of our clinical quality team who worked on this project, and our Patient Information Committee chaired by Dr Rosemary Howell.”


The animation covers some of the benefits women can expect from a caesarean before some key associated risks, including pain, infection and bleeding, comparing this against the level of risk for vaginal birth where possible. It draws on clinical and public information from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

Involving women, birthing people and birth partners and organisations with an interest in pregnancy and childbirth, as well as obstetricians, was a very important part of the animation production process. Members of the RCOG Women’s Network, as well as organisations including the Birth Trauma Association, attended a workshop in the early stages to feed in views and suggestions, and there was also a user testing workshop as the animation started to take shape.

Jane Plumb, Chair of RCOG’s Women’s Network, said: “"This new video is an excellent resource for pregnant women and individuals about elective Caesarean births. It provides clear, accessible information about the risks and benefits, including comparisons with vaginal births. This video can help people prepare better for discussions with their healthcare professionals, helping them to make informed decisions about their care. Patient-centred resources such as this can help improve communication and informed decision-making in maternity care."


Access the animation here.

  • Clinical and research
  • Pregnancy and birth