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RCOG calls on MPs to vote in favour of telemedicine for early medical abortion being made permanent

30 Mar 2022

Today, MPs in the House of Commons are set to vote on an amendment to the Health and Care Bill which would make telemedicine for early medical abortion permanently available as a choice for women.

The service was originally introduced during the pandemic, and is currently set to come to an end in August 2022, after a temporary service extension was granted. The Welsh Government has already decided to make telemedicine a permanent service and the RCOG is calling on MPs to follow their example and support the telemedicine amendment.

Dr Edward Morris, President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, said:

“Telemedicine for early medical abortion has been a success story of the pandemic, and the removal of this service would be an infringement on women’s rights to access the healthcare they deserve.

“We encourage all MPs who believe in evidence-based policymaking and women’s reproductive rights to vote in support of the amendment, and make telemedicine a permanent feature of abortion care.

“There is a wealth of evidence to show that telemedicine for early medical abortion is safe, has enabled women to access treatment sooner, and that the service is preferred by women. There is no logical or medical reason why the Government should not make telemedicine permanent. With the UK Government due to publish the Women’s Health Strategy shortly it would be completely inconsistent for them to choose to stop listening to women’s views on this vital area of their healthcare.”


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  • Policy and governance
  • Abortion