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RCOG responds to the Prime Minister’s speech on Plan for Change

6 Dec 2024

Yesterday, Prime Minister Keir Starmer delivered a speech on the government's Plan for Change.

Dr Ranee Thakar, President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists said:
“It is very positive to see the Prime Minister commit to an important milestone of ensuring that 92% of patients wait no longer than 18 weeks from referral to start consultant-led treatment of non-urgent health conditions. 
“In our Waiting for a way forward report, we found that over three quarters of a million women were waiting for months and sometimes years to start consultant-led gynaecology treatment. If achieved, this target would substantially help to reduce the number of women and people waiting too long with progressive and serious gynaecological conditions. 
“It is imperative that we now see a detailed plan for how we can make this target a reality, including a commitment to long-term, sustained funding to address the complex systemic issues driving waiting list growth. It is also important that the Government doesn’t lose sight of the value of investing in maternity safety and much needed funding for maternity staffing and training – as well as in primary care and in particular, in the women’s health hub model.”
  • Read our report Waiting for a way forward here.
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