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RCOG responds to the publication of the Pregnancy Loss Review

22 Jul 2023

Today, the Pregnancy Loss Review and Government response have been published, highlighting recommendations to improve the care and support of women and people who experience pregnancy loss. 

Dr Ranee Thakar, President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, said:

“Losing a wanted pregnancy at any stage is heart breaking and it is vital that everyone affected by pregnancy loss is treated with sensitivity and compassion.  

“We welcome this review, which has taken the time to listen to the experiences of women and their families and put forward a range of recommendations to improve the care and support they receive when pregnancy loss happens. The piloting of pregnancy loss certificates is a positive step in acknowledging parent’s loss.

“The College has an important role in supporting high-quality care, through providing healthcare professionals with evidence-based guidance and training pathways. We will take time to consider each of the recommendations in detail, particularly those directed at the College. We are pleased that the Government has made clear some immediate actions to improve care, and we are fully committed to supporting their implementation.  

“Every story in this report shows that we must work together to improve care. It is crucial to recognise that the healthcare professionals supporting women who experience pregnancy loss are working in a system that is overstretched and understaffed. Relieving pressure on the system through investment in workforce retention, recruitment, and training is essential to improving the care that women we receive.

“Anyone who has been affected by pregnancy loss can access support from hospitals, local community groups and national charities such as Tommy’s, The Miscarriage Association and The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust.”

Notes to editors

  • Policy and governance
  • Pregnancy and birth