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RCOG response to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and Israel

19 Oct 2023

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists is saddened, shocked and distressed by the unfolding humanitarian crisis in Gaza, Israel and the surrounding region.

The greatest and most enduring suffering in these catastrophic events is always that of women, children and future generations. As a College whose mission is to improve the health of women and girls, we wish to reaffirm our abhorrence of violence in all forms.

On behalf of our membership around the world we wish to extend our thoughts and compassion to everyone impacted across the region. We mourn the loss of colleagues in the medical community and support those working tirelessly to provide the best possible care in the most challenging of circumstances.

We are also thinking of our Fellows and Members who work in the UK and other countries, who are worried for their families and friends in the region.

Access to essential healthcare and the safety of medical professionals must be ensured and we condemn any actions that impede this.

  • Corporate
  • Pregnancy and birth
  • Gynaecology