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RCOG response to the National consultation on the future of the NHS

13 Nov 2024

NHS England and the Department for Health and Social Care recently launched ‘Change NHS: help build a health service fit for the future’, a national conversation to develop the 10-Year Health Plan.

The RCOG believes it is vital women’s health is prioritised in this plan. Women make up 51% of the population, yet women’s health has historically been left behind. Investment in services has been inadequate and fragmented, with inequalities evident in access to care and health outcomes and experiences.

Over three quarters of a million women across the UK are currently on a gynaecology waiting list, with many needing to attend A&E or an emergency department as a result of their worsening gynaecological symptoms. Our data also shows that wait times for women in deprived areas are the worst. Sadly, inequalities also affect maternity services – with women from Black ethnic backgrounds three times more likely to die during pregnancy or shortly afterwards compared to white women.

There are also significant opportunities to deliver more efficient and accessible care, with the women’s health hub model offering an opportunity to better integrate the services and support women require throughout their life course.

The Government has set out three major ‘shifts’ which will make the NHS fit for the future. Supporting all three shifts is the need for ongoing support and recurrent funding to make Women’s Health Hubs a reality for women wherever they live in England.

We welcome our members and those working in women’s health to use these points to structure their own responses. To support responses, you can find a summary of our consultation response on our website here: RCOG priorities for the 10-Year Health Plan for England | RCOG

  • Policy and governance
  • Pregnancy and birth
  • Fertility
  • Abortion
  • Menopause
  • Gynaecology