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RCOG statement on the publication of the ‘Saving Babies’ Lives 2023: A report on progress’ by Sands and Tommys’ Policy Unit

17 May 2023

This report from the Sands and Tommy’s Joint Policy Unit brings together a range of evidence to identify key changes needed to save more babies’ lives and reduce inequalities in pregnancy and baby loss, published on Monday 15 May 2023.

Dr Ranee Thakar, President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, said:

“This is a significant report highlighting clear opportunities to reduce the number of premature births and stillbirths in the UK every year, with an important focus on the experiences of minoritised ethnic groups and those living in the most deprived areas across the UK.

“The RCOG is delivering a range of programmes to support this ambition, including our ABC programme to reduce brain injury in childbirth, and development of the Tommy’s digital clinical support tool to help identify those most at risk of giving birth prematurely or developing pregnancy complications that can lead to stillbirth. Our clinical guidelines are also designed to support safe and effective clinical practice.

“However, we know that maternity services are in dire need of investment. Without it, an already overstretched NHS will not be able to implement the recommendations in this report. We therefore repeat our call for the Government to commit to funding the improvements needed, including through a fully-funded long term workforce plan.”


Notes to editors

  • Clinical and research
  • Pregnancy and birth