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RCOG welcomes the introduction of Safe Access Zones around abortion clinics in England and Wales

31 Oct 2024

Today, Safe Access Zones will come into force around all abortion clinics in England and Wales. This will make it against the law to influence, harass or provoke those using or delivering pregnancy termination services.

The RCOG has long-campaigned for Safe Access Zones and played an important role in the successful campaign to see them introduced to protect women and medical professionals. The legislation brings England and Wales in line with Scotland and Northern Ireland, where Safe Access Zones are already in place.

UK Parliamentarians voted in favour of prohibiting certain activities within 150 metres of an abortion clinic or a hospital that provides abortion services. Whilst this law was passed by the UK Parliament in May 2023, women and medical professionals have waited over a year for the Zones to be implemented.

RCOG President Dr Ranee Thakar said:
“The implementation of Safe Access Zones around abortion clinics is a hugely important step towards ensuring that the privacy and rights of those who access abortion services are respected. I’m proud of the College’s involvement and efforts towards making this happen.  
“We know from our members that protest activity and harassment around abortion providers not only causes great distress and confusion for women going to the clinic, but has a negative impact on staff wellbeing, causing them to feel unable to properly support and protect patients.
“Abortion care is an essential sexual and reproductive health service and the RCOG will continue to advocate that everyone can access this service without judgement, or fear of harassment.”

We are pleased to see that the guidance from College of Policing and the Crown Prosecution Service on Safe Access Zones lists silent prayer as one of the activities that can now be considered a criminal offence within 150m of an abortion service provider.

It is important to note that prosecutors will still consider the facts around all offences, not just silent prayer, in order to determine whether an individual has committed a crime. The guidance is clear that religious methods such as silent prayer are not a defence for committing an offence within a Safe Access Zone. An individual will only be at risk of breaching a Safe Access Zone if they are intentionally using a silent prayer to influence, harass or provoke those using or delivering pregnancy termination services.


  • For more information on abortion in the UK click here.
  • Policy and governance
  • Abortion