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The RCOG responds to the MBRRACE-UK maternal mortality 2021 - 2023 data

14 Jan 2025

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) responds to the latest data brief published by MBRRACE-UK on maternal mortality from 2021-2023.

There was a statistically non-significant decrease in the overall UK maternal death rate between 2020-22 and 2021-23, but the rate remains non-significantly higher than 2018-20. Thrombosis and thromboembolism was the leading cause of maternal death in 2021-23 during or up to six weeks after the end of pregnancy. The leading causes of late maternal deaths in 2021-23 were mental-health related (34%) with deaths due to suicide or other psychiatric causes occurring in equal proportions. Unacceptable inequalities in maternal mortality remain a significant concern.

Dr Ranee Thakar, President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, said:

“The College calls on the UK Government to take urgent action to reduce maternal mortality rates in the UK and the significant inequalities that continue to impact Black and Asian women.
“Despite the dedication and hard work of maternity teams, there simply aren’t enough staff to provide the safe, personalised and compassionate care that every woman deserves. The tragic impact for women will continue until the Government invests in improved staffing levels and training time, including for perinatal mental health services.
“We also strongly urge the UK Government to develop strong, cross-government targets to end inequalities in maternity outcomes, supported by ring-fenced funding and wider investment in public health and NHS services. Crucially, this must be co-produced with ethnic minority women and backed by evidence on expected impact.
“We encourage Trusts and Health Boards to adopt the RCOG guidelines on thrombosis and thromboembolism, sepsis and obstetric haemorrhage, which remain significant causes of maternal death. The College developed these to support best practice care in line with latest clinical evidence.
“Improving maternity care safety is an absolute priority for the College, through our work as educators, in our quality improvement programmes and our clinical guidance. We will ensure these important data inform our ongoing work.”
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