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The RCOG welcomes government response to House of Lords Preterm Birth Committee report

16 Jan 2025

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) has reacted today to the Government’s response to the House of Lords Preterm Birth Committee report.


The committee’s inquiry report, published in November 2024, called on the Government to revise the current national maternity safety ambition, focusing particularly on targets that will support efforts to reduce the incidence and impact of preterm birth. It recommends further research into the reasons for preterm labour, and underlines the need for urgent action on maternity staffing levels, to ensure that all mothers and babies receive high quality care.


In its response, the Government acknowledges the urgency for reducing preterm birth risks and addressing disparities in outcomes for Black and Asian women. They signal agreement with the Committee’s overarching aims, and recognise the need for long-term systemic improvement and investment in maternity services.

Dr Ranee Thakar, President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, said:

“We’re pleased to see the government taking heed of the Committee’s important recommendations, and pledging progress on a broad range of areas to reduce the devastating impact of preterm birth on babies and families. However, with previous national targets missed, there is no time for delay.
“It is therefore disappointing not to see more detailed targets and timelines set out for each commitment. Work such as the maternity and neonatal estates survey, currently due early next year, should be expedited. Our members tell us time and again that the spaces they work in are a barrier to delivering the best possible care for pre-term babies and families, so publishing and acting on the survey findings would make a huge difference.
“Last but not least, we urge government to seize the opportunity to put maternity services and women’s health more widely at the heart of its 10-year plan for the NHS, in tandem with targeted work to support recruitment, retention and training time in the maternity workforce. Get it right for women and everyone benefits.” 
  • Policy and governance
  • Pregnancy and birth