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This hub aims to inform about the types of tears that can occur during childbirth, how to minimise your risk of deeper tearing, and what can be done to help your recovery if you do tear.

We also aim to support you to take prompt action if you have any concerns about your recovery, helping you feel better informed when discussing any topics with a healthcare professional.

This information has been developed by the OASI Care Bundle Project Team, the OASI Care Bundle Clinical Champions and perineal specialists.

It is based on the RCOG Green-top Guideline No.29 The Management of Third and Fourth Degree Tears (June 2015) and expert opinion from the above named developers and key stakeholders in line with RCOG due process.

Please give us your feedback

We would like to understand how people are using this resource to help ensure it is relevant and useful. To give us your feedback, please complete our short survey. If you have any questions, please email 
