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We are ambitious about ensuring EDI is embedded in all of our work.

Our goal is to ensure that our organisation is more diverse, inclusive and reflective of the environment and communities we serve.

As an employer

Actions speak louder than words, and collectively with our staff, we have taken clear action to support and embed this ethos throughout the RCOG. We have made a powerful commitment across all teams and levels of leadership, through the development of our EDI Action Plan. Find out more below.

We are committed to creating a workplace culture where respect and understanding is fostered, and the diversity of people's backgrounds and circumstances are valued. We take decisive action to ensure everyone can thrive, feel included, valued and reach their full potential, whilst working with the RCOG, so that our staff and members can be their true selves at work.

As a membership organisation

Over half of our members are based outside of the UK. As a global college, we embrace and value the different experiences, skills and ideas of our truly diverse O&G workforce.

It is unacceptable that racial and ethnic inequities persist in obstetrics and gynaecology, in the careers and day-to-day working lives of health professionals. Working to achieve racial equity within obstetrics and gynaecology is a key priority area for our President, Ranee Thakar. Learn more about this important work here. 

As a women’s health charity

We are committed to ensuring the voices of women and girls are at the heart of what we do, informing our work to tackle inequalities in care experiences, health outcomes and access to health services. We believe O&G services should be inclusive for all those that use them.

Our Women’s Network is a vital part of how we seek to listen to and engage with diverse communities, and you can find out more about the network and our public involvement approach here.

Learn below how our focus on EDI is woven into all aspects of College work.

This includes:

  • The College’s commitment to creating an inclusive workplace by our thorough inclusive practices
  • EDI strategy and mechanisms in place for EDI governance and scrutiny
  • The range of accreditations and memberships the RCOG has a achieved to date.
Our inclusive practices

In 2021 we put in place an equality, diversity and inclusion strategy for 2021-2025 with four intended outcomes.

Monitoring and reporting

We have an EDI committee which oversees, reviews and challenges the College’s work to drive the development of inclusive practices and integration of equality and diversity issues into all aspects of the RCOG’s work. 

EDI accreditations and memberships

We are members of The Employers Network for Equality & Inclusion (enei). We are proud to have been awarded the enei TIDE Silver Standard 2024 award. 

RCOG ambitions for the O&G profession

The College is progressing a plan of action to address unacceptable  racial and ethnic inequities in the careers and working lives of obstetrics and gynaecology professionals.
