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Members (Clinical) | Patient Information Committee

The Patient Information Committee is responsible for supporting the development, updating and publication of RCOG patient information as determined by the Clinical Quality Assurance Group (CQAG) and Clinical Quality Board (CQB).


Responsibilities of the Committee Members (clinical) include:

  • Assisting the Chair in the development of content and production of RCOG patient information
  • Leading remotely on the first draft of assigned information resources in collaboration with agreed lay member of the committee

The patient information committee meets four times a year remotely and once a year in person at Union Street (hybrid).

There are two vacancies for this role, one with a two and a half-year term and another with a three-year term. The roles will start in May and will be appointed by application.

UK Fellows and Members are eligible to apply for this position.

Please see the role description, person specifications and other information at the bottom of the page.

How to apply

To apply, please complete the form via the button below. Once completed, you will be asked to share a CV with us via email to


Should you have any additional enquiries please email

Application deadline: Thursday 30 January 2025

Interview date: tbc

What our volunteers say

Role description

Member (Clinical), Patient Information Committee 

Chair, Patient Information Committee

Three years, commencing May 2025

1. To support the development, updating and publication of RCOG patient information as determined by the Clinical Quality Assurance Group (CQAG) and Clinical Quality Board (CQB). RCOG patient information resources are:

a) Evidence-based: using formal structured literature review methodology. Where there is a gap in published evidence, the Patient Information Committee (PIC) employs an informal consensus approach through group discussion. In line with current methodology the entire development process follows strict guidance which is both transparent and robust.

b) Balanced: each document is the product of the whole Patient Information Committee rather than an individual

c) Accurate: accurate interpretation of the evidence is checked with the clinical guideline developers (source documents)

d) Impartial: the robust methodology of the source documents ensures impartiality

e) Well-written: all written information is presented in plain English with final edit by our professional publishing team

f) Available: all patient documents are freely available from our website to all English speaking literate users with access to a computer. They are also publicised to RCOG members who may give print versions to their patients.

g) Up-to-date: there is a process for regular review of all patient information documents, usually three years or earlier when new evidence emerges relating to the evidence underpinning the content. When a document is updated, the previous version is archived.

2. To collaborate with other organisations and co-develop or endorse patient information, as determined by the Board.

3. To collaborate with the wider Clinical Quality team and other Clinical Quality committees on RCOG projects relevant to patient information.

4. To provide comments on consultation documents, for example patient information resources developed by other organisations.

  1. Assisting the Chair in the development of content and production of RCOG patient information
  2. Leading remotely on the first draft of assigned information resources in collaboration with agreed lay member of the committee
  3. Attending the Patient Information Committee meetings four times a year
  4. Assisting the Chair in seeking advice and expertise in relation to patient information topics from women and from peers not represented on the Committee
  5. Deciding which issues can be dealt with in liaison with the Chair outside of the Committee and which should be held for discussion by the full Committee
  6. With support from the Chair and the Director, Clinical Quality, acting as the media/public enquiry liaison for those patient information resources on which you have been allocated lead/co-author
  7. Making recommendations on future membership and development of the Committee
  • Co-Vice Chairs of the Patient Information Committee
  • Members of the Patient Information Committee
  • Vice President for Clinical Quality
  • Director of Clinical Quality
  • Members of the Clinical Quality Team, specifically the Editorial Managers and the Head of Quality Improvement
  • Executive Director of Education and Quality
  • RCOG Women’s Network members and Patient and Public Involvement team
  • Stakeholder groups with interest in patient information topics

The Committee meets four times per year, which include one in-person meeting. Attendance is mandatory at meetings either in person or via Microsoft Teams.

There will also be a significant commitment outside of the meetings to deal with Committee matters and other matters relating to the role as required.

This role reflects the present requirements of the post. As duties and responsibilities change and develop the role description will be reviewed and be subject to amendment in consultation with the post holder. The role description will be re-evaluated at the end of the term. 

Person specification


  • Registered with a licence to practice with GMC, in good standing
  • Substantive consultant in obstetrics and/or gynaecology in UK NHS Practice
  • Subscribing members of the College (Member, Fellow or Associate)
  • Evidence of annual appraisal
  • Evidence of equal opportunities and diversity training within previous three years


  • Formal training or experience in healthcare management
  • Previous role as clinical manager such as departmental lead/clinical director


  • Experience of developing patient information locally
  • Experience of working with patient or stakeholder groups
  • Clear demonstration of a commitment to improving women’s health relevant to the Patient Information Committee
  • Understanding of the role of the Patient Information Committee
  • Knowledge of the RCOG’s strategic and operational plans
  • Willingness to work remotely between meetings – with an understanding that time will be limited around clinical commitments/other work
  • Good communicator as evidenced by past publications and presentations
  • Agreement from host organisation to be released to fulfil roles
  • Flexibility
  • Agreement to maintain confidentiality of items discussed
  • Prepared to respond rapidly to issues as they arise
  • Prepared to undertake work for the College, outside of the committee meetings
  • Prepared to represent the views of the Patient Information Committee for formal consultations
  • Prior experience of a significant leadership role
  • Detailed knowledge of current NHS 
  • Up to date with membership subscriptions
  • Of good standing with the College

CPD information

Information about the RCOG CPD Framework can be found here.

Committee Member

If within your committee role or work as course convenor or organiser you gain knowledge which enhances patient care or leadership and technical skills (including, for example, giving presentations, teaching sessions or mock examining) credits can be claimed as an ‘Experiential Learning Event’.

CPD users can now freely select and record the number of credits for all their CPD activities. For Experiential Learning Events, a Reflection is required to claim the selected credits. In addition, 1 or 2 credits can be claimed for an action following the learning (1 credit for a simple action, 2 credits for a complex action). To claim credits for an action, the individual needs to demonstrate how they have applied their learning to their practice, the service they provide and/or the potential impact of the learning.

For those who prefer to follow RCOG recommendations, the CPD Framework still provides a suggested number of credits that can be claimed for different CPD activities.

Further information can be found in the RCOG CPD Framework document.

Terms of reference

The Patient Information Committee reports to the Clinical Quality Board.

To produce high quality patient information on areas where:

  • new high quality clinical evidence has been published
  • there are high rates of mortality, morbidity or disability
  • improved standards of care would reduce rates of mortality, morbidity or disability
  • there is uncertainty, as evidenced by a wide variation in clinical practice and service delivery
  • there are implications across the primary-secondary care interface

The information produced is designed to:

  • provide objective, up to date, relevant information for women about conditions, diseases, treatments, procedures
    empower women to make informed decisions about their health and healthcare
  • accurately reflect the content of the source document (e.g. College document such as Green-top Guideline, Scientific Impact Paper, NICE).
  • supplement source document with other essential information
    reflect the views collated through the peer review and consumer pilot processes
  • support busy professionals by providing high quality evidence-based information to reinforce that given verbally, e.g. at consultations, pre- and post- procedures

The RCOG patient information is mostly derived from its clinical guidelines e.g. Green-top Guidelines, Scientific Impact Papers, consent series, but also from other approved national sources e.g. NICE, BASHH. On exceptional occasions, patient information on a subject without a source document may be developed. This would only be if it considered essential to have patient information on the subject and only after approval by Clinical Quality Assurance Group or Clinical Quality Board. 

All committee members are expected to contribute to patient information leaflets both inside and outside of meetings, as well as to discussions about the development and future and of patient information during committee meetings. 

Meetings are held quarterly, remotely via Microsoft Teams. Once a year, the committee meets in person at Union Street and remotely via Teams (hybrid meeting).

Why get involved with our work

Volunteering with the RCOG is a rich and rewarding experience which offers a range of professional and personal benefits:

  • Professional recognition
  • Build networks and friendships
  • Career development
  • Make meaningful change
  • Wellbeing