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IRC elections

IRC elections process overview

Committee elections are designed to provide international members with an opportunity to play an active role in selecting their College representation in the form of an elected IRC. The IRC will convey members’ views and interests in front of College leadership and support communication between the College and its members.

All International Representative Committee elections are open and have transparent processes that are accessible to all active Fellows and Members with up-to-date subscriptions. Canvassing is not allowed and we kindly request you respect your peers by keeping all communications professional and courteous.

1. RCOG notifies Fellows and Members via email of the nomination process to take place.

This should include links to :

  • IRC Fellow/Member/Chair nomination form
  • Fellow/Member/Chair election process overview
  • Election regulations

Closing date to be two weeks following despatch of nomination forms

Send completed nomination forms to

2. After the closing date, if more nominations are received than there are vacancies a vote will take place. RCOG will email links to the ballot form to all active RCOG zone/country members.

A short summary of all candidates will be available on the form so members can familiarise themselves with potential candidates. Canvassing is not allowed.

Closing date to be two weeks following despatch of papers.

Ballot forms must be completed by the individual to whom it was sent. Ballot forms or links must not be forwarded to another person.

Only eligible members can vote. Any improperly or incorrectly filled in ballot shall be declared to be invalid.

3. Votes are tallied.

RCOG will contact the successful candidates and send out a notifying email.

If the candidate accepts their role, email notifications will be sent out to all members and fellows in the country. The RCOG database will be updated with the relevant information.

IRC election regulations

General terms

Member of the RCOG/MRCOG

Members of the College must be fully qualified doctors who have passed all parts of the Membership exam (MRCOG), having fulfilled the regulations regarding training. Members are subsequently admitted to the Membership at a meeting of Council. Members are entitled to use the designatory letters MRCOG.

Members must maintain up-to-date subscriptions and be in good-standing to retain active membership.

Fellow of the RCOG/FRCOG

Fellows are elected each year from the Membership and should normally have been Members for at least 12 years and have made a significant contribution to O&G through research, teaching or publications. Fellows are entitled to use the designatory letters FRCOG. Fellows must maintain up-to-date subscriptions and be in good standing to retain active membership.

RCOG Associate

Associates are medical practitioners worldwide who are working in the field of women’s health care but who do not hold the MRCOG and who wish to be linked with, and support, the activities of the RCOG. Applicants must have a medical degree. Associates must maintain up-to-date subscriptions and be in good standing to retain active membership.

RCOG International Representative Committee (IRC)

An RCOG International Representative Committee is a collective body of College members in a country/region that act as representation for Fellows and Members in that area. They act as the link between members in that country/region and the College by seeking their views and ensuring that the Committee represents members’ professional and clinical interests.

Composition of an IRC

IRCs are made up of active Fellows and Members resident in a country or region. Each IRC will have a minimum of six elected committee members along with a chair. Ideally, three Fellows, three Members and a chair. Terms are for three years. IRCs may co-opt RCOG Associates, non-RCOG Members and Trainees to the group.

Co-opted members

Co-opted members may be Trainees, Associates, or non-RCOG members. They are invited to participate in the community, but will not be able to nominate/second for posts or cast votes during elections. Their terms will also last for three years.

Office bearers

Who is authorised to hold office within an IRC? 

Active Fellows and Members who are up-to-date with their fees and are a resident of their respective countries/zones. Honorary Fellows, Retired Fellows or Members, Trainees, Associates or non-members of the RCOG are not eligible to hold titles.

Who is eligible to stand for Chair?

Only Fellows who are resident of the country of election, active and up-to-date with fees and have completed one term on their respective IRC Committee are eligible to stand for chair. However, in countries which have fewer than 50 active Fellows and Members, (i) the requirement to have previously stood on the Committee does not apply and (ii) Members with more than five years post MRCOG, as well as Fellows, may also stand, but all other provisions relating to eligibility remain the same.

Who is eligible for re-election?

Fellows and Members of the IRC are eligible for re-election for a total of two terms after which a break of one term is required before standing again for election. However, IRC chairs are asked to not stand again.


Who is eligible to cast votes during IRC elections?

Active Fellows and Members who are up-to-date with their fees and are a resident of their respective countries, zones. Honorary Fellows, Retired Fellows or Members, Trainees, Associates or non-members of the RCOG are not eligible to vote.

Who can propose or second during IRC elections?

Active Fellows and Members who are up-to-date with their fees and are a resident of their respective countries, zones. Honorary Fellows, Retired Fellows or Members, Trainees, Associates or non-members of the RCOG are not eligible to second.

Fellow representatives

Fellow representatives need to be proposed and seconded by an active Fellow. Fellows who are proposing/seconding do not need to be currently on the Committee. Each Fellow can nominate or second a maximum number that is equal to the number of vacancies.

Member representatives

Member representatives need to be proposed and seconded by an active Member. Members who are proposing/seconding do not need to be currently on the Committee. Each Members can nominate or second a maximum number that is equal to the number of vacancies.

What is an eligible vote?

Only active Fellows and Members who are resident of the country of vote are eligible to cast a ballot. Ballots must be cast individually, without compromise of voter anonymity. Ballot forms must be filled out appropriately, detailing membership number. Ballot forms or links must not be shared or forwarded to another person. If you have not received a ballot form and believe you are eligible to vote, please email

The RCOG retains the right to not accept irregularly cast ballots.


Canvassing for votes is not allowed. Candidate information as provided with the nomination is presented on the ballot form. No other representations are allowed.

Grounds of disqualification from elections

Disrespectful and defamatory behaviour against other contenders.

Disrespectful treatment of others on the basis of race, sexuality, gender or religion. Canvassing for votes.

Removal from the membership register due to non-payment, malpractice or other.
