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The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) is a registered charity (no. 213280).

It was granted a ‘Royal’ title in 1938 and the Royal Charter was awarded on 21 March 1947.

The College is governed by the Royal Charter, from which are derived the College Regulations, which guide the governance, management and business arrangements of the College. 

College Regulations (PDF 497kb)

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is ultimately responsible for the financial, legal and business operations of the RCOG as a charitable business and gives authority to the Chief Executive and the executive team to manage the day-to-day affairs of the College.

The Board comprises 10 trustees, including six O&G trustees and 4 independent trustees.

The Board of Trustees meets 4 times a year. 

Find out more about the Board of Trustees.


RCOG Council is responsible for furthering the College's mission and for setting its long-term priorities and goals.

Council establishes and oversees the clinical, educational, professional, academic and ethical activities of the College.

It is chaired by the President and meets 6 times a year. RCOG Council comprises:

Find out more about RCOG Council.

RCOG Officers

Council elects 6 Officers who each serve for a maximum of 3 years:

  • President
  • Senior Vice President for Global Health
  • Vice President for Clinical Quality
  • Vice President for Education
  • Vice President for Membership & Workforce
  • Vice President for Academia & Strategy

Find out more about the current RCOG Officers, including contact details.

Chief Executive Officer

Read about our CEO Kate Lancaster.


The College’s committees advise on and help to implement the College’s various areas of activity. 

See the full list of RCOG committees.
