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Guidelines Committee

Meeting dates (10:00–16:30)

Quarterly (3x virtual meetings and 1x face-to-face meeting at the RCOG)


  • Wednesday 13 December


Reporting mechanism

The Guidelines Committee reports to the Clinical Quality Board (CQB) and the Clinical Quality Assurance Group (CQAG).


To manage the development, updating and publication of Green-top guidelines as determined by the CQAG and CQ Board.

To collaborate with other organisations and produce or endorse guidelines, as determined by the Board.

To collaborate with other committees on other College activities (e.g. audits, Scientific Advisory Committee papers, scientific meetings, study groups) as determined by the Board.

To provide comments on consultation documents, particularly most NICE guidelines, quality standards and technology evaluations.


  • Co-Chairs Mr Alastair McKelvey and Miss Neelam Potdar
  • 7 RCOG Member/Fellow representatives
  • 2 RCOG Trainee representatives
  • 2 RCOG Women’s Network representatives
  • NICE representative
  • FSRH representative
  • Guidance Editorial Manager
  • Head of Guidance
  • Guidance Programme Manager
  • Head of Quality Improvement
  • Director, Clinical Quality 
  • Head of Patient and Public Involvement
  • RCOG Communications team representative


Please send all correspondence to the committee secretary:

Sarah Miles

