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Scientific Advisory Committee

Meeting dates 2023 (10:00 start)

Meetings are held quarterly (3x virtual meetings and 1x face-to-face meeting at the RCOG)

  • Friday 8 December


Reporting mechanism

The Scientific Advisory Committee reports to the Clinical Quality Assurance Group (CQAG) and Clinical Quality Board (CQB).


The Scientific Advisory Committee has a broad brief encompassing both basic and clinical science, including health services research. Specifically, it aims to:

  • ‘Horizon scan’ and debate relevant scientific issues, including future developments of relevance to the specialty.
  • Produce regular Scientific Impact Papers for the membership agreed and approved by the CQAG and CQB.
  • Contribute to College responses on national policies and direction as determined by the CQB.
  • Respond to requests for scientific advice from RCOG officers, committees, working parties and Fellows/Members of the College.
  • Advise Officers and appropriate committees on future national and international scientific and clinical meetings and study groups.




Professor Katie Morris  

Vice Chairs

Mr Saladin Sawan and Dr Victoria L Bills 


  • 7 RCOG Member/Fellow representatives
  • 1 RCOG Trainee representative
  • 1 RCOG Women’s Network Representative
  • 1 Genetics representative
  • 1 Scientific representative
  • 1 Neonatologist representative
  • Assistant Editor
  • Head of Guidance
  • Guidance Programme Manager
  • Head of Quality Improvement
  • Director, Clinical Quality

Report to the CQAG and CQB.

Committee secretary

Please send all correspondence to the committee secretary:

Laura Dean-Osgood
Tel: +44 20 7772 6403

