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On this page you will information about winners of our prestigious award and prizes including their inspirational stories

RCOG Honorary Fellowship

Honorary Fellowship is awarded to individuals who have made significant contributions to the advancement of women’s healthcare or the O&G specialty. Fellowship ad eundem and Fellowship honoris causa are designed to recognise those who are not current College members.

Below you can find stories of recent recipients of Honorary Fellowships and the extraordinary work they do. You can also find more information about RCOG Honorary Fellowship here, including a list of recipients.

RCOG awards, grants and prizes

Awards, grants and prizes are available for people of all career stages and backgrounds. Throughout the year, we are pleased to offer awards for our membership as well as medical students, foundation year doctors and the public.

RCOG membership awards

The RCOG offer incredible opportunities, such as supporting research and training, as well as several prizes for exceptional and original contributions to the field to the College’s membership.

International RCOG Fellow and Member Admission Ceremonies

We were pleased to host our first Admission Ceremony in Malaysia in August 2023. Read about Dr Wan Sim Teo’s experience of attending in the blog here.

Medical student and foundation year doctor awards

We are pleased to offer medical students and foundation year doctors with a passion for O&G and a flair for clinical excellence coveted awards and prizes.


For scientists and clinicians wishing to share their work, the RCOG offer lectureship awards, with candidates having the opportunity to attend and speak at our Annual Academic Meeting.

Other awards

Where high-quality research is produced or clinical excellence achieved, individuals may be eligible for funding and awards.

Find out more about RCOG awards

We're delighted to be able to offer a range of opportunities for individuals at all career stages.
