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The CPD framework

The CPD framework

The College has redeveloped and enhanced our professional development (CPD) framework (PDF).

We also have a brand new CPD ePortfolio to support it.

This change will affect all doctors who use the College’s CPD programme, and also your appraisers.

What has changed?

The College’s CPD framework has been updated to support the recommendations of the RCOG report, Becoming Tomorrow’s Specialist. It also reflects the feedback we have received from you about the current CPD programme, and contains many of the improvements you have requested.

This new framework is more open and less prescriptive than the last – it allows you to record any learning that you feel is relevant to your professional development, and you can tailor the programme to meet your requirements. It can now cover your entire role – not just the clinical elements, but also your non-clinical wider professional skills. And it has been designed to reflect the most recent insights into successful learning and development.

It is simpler, too – you will no longer use ‘cycles’, with arbitrary start and end dates. Instead, you will be able to generate reports on any period you choose, and filter those reports to only show the information you require.

All of these changes in the programme mean there is also a brand new CPD ePortfolio to support it. This is a brand new, dedicated website for CPD – and it should be much quicker and easier to use, at a desk, on a tablet, and on your phone.

Read the full guide to the RCOG CPD framework

The core principles which inform and drive our CPD programme are set out in this guide.
