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Explore new features in the CPD ePortfolio

The Professional Development Committee has introduced several enhancements to the CPD ePortfolio based on user feedback.

These updates aim to provide a more streamlined and intuitive experience for learners, ensuring the CPD Framework and ePortfolio are fit for purpose.

Key updates to the CPD ePortfolio include:

  • CPD credits counter: a new feature on the dashboard that allows users to easily track their CPD credits
  • Flexible credit allocation: users can now freely select credits for all types of Learning Events
  • Simplified Learning Events process: the requirement to link Learning Events to the Personal Learning Plan (PLP) has been removed
  • Standalone reflections: this new feature enables users to record reflections without the need to create a Learning Event
  • Flexible date selection for reflections: users can now select any date for their reflections, providing greater flexibility in credit allocation

For further details on these new features, please refer to the document available for download below.
