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MRCOG Part 2: exam format

The MRCOG Part 2 is a computer-based test (CBT) that candidates must pass before proceeding to MRCOG Part 3.

Exam Structure

Computer-based testing (CBT)

The MRCOG Part 2 computer-based test, consisting of two papers, each contributing equally (50%) to the final score. Each paper includes:

  • Single Best Answer questions (SBAs): 40% of the marks in each paper
  • Extended Matching Questions (EMQs): 60% of the marks in each paper

Question types

For more information on each question type, see the pages onĀ SBAs and EMQs.

Division of Marks

There is no separate pass mark for SBAs and EMQs; a combined pass mark is determined through standard-setting for each exam. The SBA component contributes 40% to the overall mark, and the EMQ component contributes 60%. Candidates should allocate their time accordingly.

Standard Setting

Our standard-setting procedure ensures fairness by adjusting the pass mark based on the exam's difficulty. Each exam has a unique pass mark, determined by assessing the difficulty of individual questions. This process ensures that the exam accurately reflects the required level of competence, independent of external factors or the pass rate of candidates.

Exam Timetable

Paper 1

  • Duration: 3 hours (180 minutes)
  • Number of Questions: 50 SBAs, 50 EMQs
  • Time Management: Candidates are responsible for their own time management, but the RCOG recommends 70 minutes for SBAs and 110 minutes for EMQs.

Lunch break (approx. 60 minutes)

Paper 2

  • Duration: 3 hours (180 minutes)
  • Number of Questions: 50 SBAs, 50 EMQs
  • Time Management: The RCOG recommends 70 minutes for SBAs and 110 minutes for EMQs.

What to expect on exam day

Watch this video to learn about the exam day experience, including what to expect from the testing environment, procedures, and tips for success.
