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Training data analysis

Our national Training Evaluation Survey collates feedback from the Trainee Evaluation Form (TEF), taking place in the early part of the year, prior to the GMC survey.

It provides the College, schools and individual units detailed feedback on the training and education trainees undertake.

This allows the recognition of good training and is a driver for improvement in training where problems are identified. You can see a complete version of the questions that are posed. The form is a part of the RCOG training matrix and gains validity through its high response rate.

The questions on the survey are developed and reviewed each year by the Training Evaluation Committee which reports to the Specialty Education Advisory Committee (SEAC). The committee has representation and input from SEAC and the Trainees’ Committee.

Question list

See our detailed analysis of training evaluation data:

The committee has been working on the data analysis and has developed a number of indicators (which mirrors the methodology of the GMC survey). These indicators combine the response to a number of questions.

The indicators are:

  • Education - Support and supervision
  • Education - Local training
  • Education - Regional training
  • Gynaecological training - General
  • Gynaecological training - Procedural
  • Gynaecological training - Basic ultrasound
  • Obstetric training - General
  • Obstetric training - Procedural
  • Obstetric training - Basic ultrasound
  • Professional development
  • Clinical governance, hospital processes and resources
  • Working environment
  • Behaviours experienced
  • Wellbeing
  • Overall recommendation

Each year the data collected through the TEF is circulated to Heads of School and Chairs of the Trainees’ Committees to allow local analysis and for good training to be recognised and for standards to be improved where needed.

In addition, detailed analyses are undertaken at a national level of specific areas of training that are highlighted as in need of special attention by SEAC and the Trainees’ Committee. These analyses not only draw data from the TEF but also use other available data sources such as the ePortfolio and the GMC survey.

The key purpose of these analyses is to drive change and improve quality of education and training both at school level and within individual units. Its power to galvanise change has already been demonstrated.
