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Training data analysis 2023

The key areas targeted for more detailed analysis in the 2023 round are listed below.

These reports were also considered by the relevant educational committees in the College.

Collective edition: Advanced Training; Educational Supervision; Differential Attainment; Gynaecology Training including Scanning and Workplace Behaviour; Obstetric Training; and 
Subspecialty Training 

Analysis by : Dr Harriet Gardner, ST5 Trainee, HEE North East region; Dr Elizabeth Nevins, ST7 Trainee, HEE North East region; Dr John Obodozie, ST6 Trainee, HEE North East region; Dr Rozina Mughal ST7 Trainee, North East region; Dr Hannah Gamblin, Consultant, HEE North East region

Differential Attainment 

Analysis by: Dr Nadia Muspratt-Tucker, ST7 Trainee, HEE Thames Valley region; Dr Lydia Akinola, ST4 Trainee, HEE Thames Valley region; Mr Rehan Khan, Consultant, HEE North Central and East London region

Educational Supervision

Analysis by:  Dr Christy Lamont, ST7 Trainee, NHS Education for Scotland; Dr Kelsie Sykes, ST7 Trainee, HEE East of England region; Dr Elisabeth Peregrine, Consultant, HEE South London region

Gynaecology Training

Analysis by: Dr Bethan Warwick, ST5 Trainee, HEE South West region; Dr Alexandra Bain, ST6 Trainee, HEE South West region; Dr Paul Woollett, Consultant, HEE West Midlands region

Obstetric Training

Analysis by: Dr Heidi Stelling, OOPR Trainee, HEE North East Region; Dr Simran Sharma, ST6 Trainee, Health Education and Improvement Wales; Dr Andrea Pilkington, Consultant, HEE North West region

Subspecialty Training

Analysis by: Dr Francois Dos Santos, Subspecialty Trainee, HEE North West London region; Dr Brian Dromey, Subspecialty Trainee, HEE South London; Dr Srividhya Sankaran, Consultant, HEE South London region; Dr Karen Guerrero, Consultant, NHS Education for Scotland
