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Case-based discussions (CbD)

Case-based discussions (CbDs) are one of the workplace-based assessment tools (WPBAs) used in O&G training.


eLearning materials

Skills assessed using CbDs

The CbD is a generic tool that formalises case discussion between trainee and trainer. They are designed to be a vehicle for direct feedback about the case under discussion. The curriculum lists the competences that can be tested using a CbD.

Trainers will use a CbD to assess:

  • Clinical decision-making
  • Knowledge
  • Application of knowledge

Each CbD should involve a different clinical situation.

Number of CbDs

The training matrix of educational progression details the minimum number of CbD you will need to complete each year.

CbD forms

Approved by the General Medical Council (GMC)


The complete specialty training curriculum for O&G – core, ultrasound, ATSMs, subspecialty and academic

RCOG membership exams

MRCOG exams

Information on how to prepare for the Part 1 and Part 2 MRCOG 
