Offering an MTI trainee a post at your hospital
We encourage UK hospitals to offer training placements for International Medical Graduates. While this experience will have an enormous positive impact upon the doctor, it also provides a great opportunity for units in the UK to learn from their international colleagues, share experiences and knowledge. The RCOG provides educational guidance and support. Trainees on the MTI scheme have access to the RCOG Training ePortfolio during their MTI training and undergo an MTI Annual Review of Competencies (ARC) led by the RCOG MTI Regional Champion in the Deanery to assess their progression against the RCOG MTI Training Matrix competencies.
For more information, please read:
- Frequently asked questions for UK hospitals providing a placement for a MTI doctor
- MTI process flowchart
- How to support an MTI doctor
- Guidance for hospitals when an issue arises
- Educational Guidance for Hospitals
- RCOG MTI Trust Application & Declaration form 2025
Process for submitting a placement request
The deadline for MTI post applications in this round is Monday 1 September 2025 for MTI training posts to begin on or before Friday 5 December 2025.
If your Trust would like to offer an RCOG MTI Trainee a training placement post in the 2025 round, you will need to obtain Deanery approval before completing the RCOG MTI Trust Application & Declaration form. Please start these discussions as early as possible as part of the initial job planning process.
Before submitting your request to the RCOG you need to obtain Deanery approval for the post. Please complete the Academy’s online Deanery approval form You should receive Deanery approval within 2 weeks of submitting the online application and requested supporting documentation. Deanery approval is valid for 6 months from the date of approval. You will need to provide the Deanery approval confirmation as part of the RCOG application.
Once the post has been approved by the Deanery, you need to complete the RCOG MTI Trust Application & Declaration form 2025 (DOCX 949kb)
Send the completed form, together with a purchase order, job description, rota timetable and Academy Deanery approval confirmation to
What happens once we receive the declaration form
Once we receive the completed RCOG MTI Trust Application & Declaration form, and required supporting evidence, then the application will be processed by the RCOG MTI office.
This will then go to the RCOG MTI Officer for review and approval. If we have any questions, concerns or need any additional information we will be in touch. Once we have all the required information you can expect to receive a decision on the posts approval within 10 working days.
If the placement application is approved the declaration form will be counter signed by the RCOG MTI Officer on behalf of the College. A signed copy will be returned to the Trust for your records along with the invoice.
Your Trust will also be provided with an RCOG Information Sharing Agreement (ISA) for MTI. Once received your organisation will need to review the ISA content, sign and date to confirm acceptance and return a copy for the RCOG’s records within 5 working days. If you have any queries regarding the ISA please contact
Please note that MTI invoices must be paid within 30 days of receipt and the matching will not proceed until the invoice has been paid.
We will then begin matching your hospital with suitable MTI applicants on the RCOG MTI wait list.
Next steps: Matching process
Once your Trust has paid the invoice, and reviewed and signed the ISA, the RCOG MIT Office will send you the application pack(s) of suitable doctor(s) that are short listed for your hospital for consideration. The RCOG MTI office will send detailed instructions around the matching options and the next steps in the process.
If you wish to offer the placement post to the matched MTI doctor, the RCOG MTI office will guide and support the placement hospital and MTI Doctor through the process including obtaining GMC registration and the Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) for the tier 5 visa through to arrival in the UK and starting in post.
The RCOG mandate for all Trusts to conduct an online interview with the matched doctor prior to making the offer of a placement post. Please note the RCOG MTI office is not involved in the logistics of organising or running interviews during the matching process for MTI placement posts.
The RCOG does not prescribe the format of the Trust interview. Please note that all members of the interview panel should have completed equality and diversity training. Trusts are expected to make candidates aware of the right to request reasonable adjustments for interview as part of EDI.
If you have any queries please contact
Charges to hospitals
For the College to ensure a quality service to both hospitals and doctors, it began implementing a charge to hospitals for placing a doctor in post. This charge was introduced to enable the RCOG to maintain a high standard of assessment, induction and ongoing mentorship / support / quality assurance in view of the rising number of doctors placed in the scheme.
The charge to hospitals per placement offered is £2500 plus VAT.
All hospitals are required to submit payment to the RCOG immediately after submitting the forms within this document and on receipt of an invoice from the College. Hospitals who withdraw their placement from the scheme will not be reimbursed.
Charges are per placement per doctor. Hospitals who offer more than one placement will be charged per placement offered.
MTI New starters reports
Once your MTI doctor(s) have arrived in the UK and started in their training post please ensure you update the RCOG MTI office.
Once the doctor officially starts in post with the employing Trust, an online AoMRC MTI New Starters Report must be completed and returned along with a signed copy of the Right to Work check confirmation within 10 working days of the start date.
Please note that the MTI Starters Report is a legal requirement from UKVI and is a condition of the Academy issuing a CoS.
End of placement / Transfer to another hospital
You will need to complete an online MTI Exception Report which will be submitted to the MTI department at the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, if an MTI trainee in your hospital:
- Has been absent from work for more than 10 days without permission
- Has been dismissed
- Is moving to a different hospital within your trust
- Has breached the terms and conditions of their leave
- Has been engaged in criminal activity
- Is on long term sick leave or on maternity leave
If the MTI Trainee has reached the end of their MTI placement or has resigned and left the post please ensure an AoMRC MTI End of Placement report is completed and returned within 10 working days of their final day in post. Please also ensure you notify the RCOG MTI Office at This is needed for quality assurance purposes to enable monitoring of MTI completion rates within the scheme and for UKVI to cancel the tier 5 visa accordingly.
Upon receipt of the completed MTI End of Placement report the RCOG MTI Office will then be able to issue an MTI certificate / letter to cover time spent in MTI training to the doctor.