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Abstract presentation types

Below are the different ways you can present your work at Congress once accepted 

Successful abstract authors will be invited for one of the following types of presentation depending on how they have been scored by the abstract reviewers. 

Oral presentation 

Each programme stream at Congress has time set aside for oral free communication presentations on a variety of specialist areas in O&G. This is a fantastic opportunity to gain experience of speaking at an international event and showcase your unique research to a global audience. 

ePoster presentation

ePosters are an integral part of the Congress and can be viewed online on our special ePoster website for the duration of the Congress and post-event, for on demand viewing.

We will also be bringing back face-to-face ePoster presentations within the exhibition hall at the Congress on dedicated electronic poster viewing screens, and within our dedicated mini theatre. Onsite on-demand screens will also be available to view ePosters at your own leisure.  

Key dates

Extended abstract submission deadline

Monday 15 April 2024 23:59 UK time

Abstract author notifications

Friday 14 June 2024

Early bird registration deadline

Monday 15 July 2024

ePoster submission deadline

Sunday 15 September 2024

RCOG World Congress

Tuesday 15 - Thursday 17 October 2024