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Resources and support for trainers

All of our trainers work hard to deliver the highest standard of training and assessment.

The RCOG is committed to supporting our educators, so we’ve collated the following resources to help those learning and delivering the O&G training curriculum.

Faculty Development Framework

Fellows, Members and Trainees can use the Faculty Development Framework to advance their training skillsets and their careers as educators. Find out more about how it can support you here.

RCOG educational roles

Specific educational roles to support the delivery of training. Read the job descriptions for RCOG educational roles, including key responsibilities, person specification, time required and job planning.

Delivering postgraduate training in O&G

Find out everything you need to know about the delivery of postgraduate training in O&G, from assessments, curriculum materials and external quality management.

Managing local/regional education

These resources provide suggestions on how to deliver O&G training at a local or regional level. Get top tips on supervision and advice on dealing with poor performance.

Useful resources

This page contains RCOG and non-RCOG resources to help support your training, including conferences and courses, eLearning materials, useful websites and recommended reading.
