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Educational and Clinical Supervisors

Providing support to doctors arranging a return to work.

According to the 2017 Return to Practice Guidelines by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC), a leave of absence lasting less than three months may have an impact on one's confidence and skill set, but it is unlikely to result in serious issues. A three-month or longer absence is likely to have a significant impact on knowledge and skills, and a two-year or longer absence is likely to necessitate formal retraining.

Above all, the focus of enabling a successful return to work should be that of delivering safe patient care. The support of clinical and educational supervisors can help to create a supportive and positive environment for doctors to regain their professional confidence and clinical competence.

For additional guidance for trainees returning to work you may also want to refer to the RCOG Educational Supervisors toolkit.

RCOG Educational Supervisors Toolkit

The Educational Supervisors' toolkit resource is for anybody who:

  • Is considering becoming an ES
  • Has recently become an ES
  • Is an established ES and would like support in any aspect of the role.

The purpose of the toolkit is to:

  • Clearly define the ES role in obstetrics and gynaecology
  • Signpost ESs to resources which support initial and ongoing training for the role
  • Provide support to ESs who are supervising trainees with specific needs.