Everything you need to know about applying, including:
- Expression of interest
- Booking your place on the MRCOG Part 2 exam
Everything you need to know about applying, including:
Find out more about upcoming exam deadlines, timelines and fees depending on your country of residence
We want your learning experience to be as effective and enjoyable as possible. To help you revise and to give you the best chance of passing your MRCOG Part 2, we’ve put together a range of revision resources.
Official revision course
Sitting the MRCOG Part 2 exam in July 2025? Our official online revision course is an excellent opportunity for candidates to receive unique insight into the exam syllabus and structure.
This page provides information on the single best answer question (SBA) component of this exam.
Each question will consist of a lead-in statement (which tells you clearly what to do), a question and a list of possible options to choose from.
Find out more about the MRCOG syllabus and knowledge
requirements for the core curriculum.
Find out more about the MRCOG Part 2 format, a computer-based testing (CBT) examination featuring two papers.
Find out more answers to frequently asked questions regarding the MRCOG Part 2 exam.
Got a query? Get in touch with the Exams team.