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Technical skills and knowledge


The core curriculum is divided into 14 Capabilities in practice (CiP’s). Each CiP outlines the key skills expected, along with a set of descriptors to help assess progress.

Within the curriculum specifically the following CiP’s address aspects of technical skills and knowledge:

CiP 9: The doctor is competent in recognising, assessing and managing emergencies in gynaecology and early pregnancy. Manages acute pelvic pain and vaginal pain in the non-pregnant woman, acute infections, complications of gynaecological treatment, vaginal bleeding in pregnancy and early pregnancy complications.

CiP 10: The doctor is competent in recognising, assessing and managing emergencies in obstetrics. Manages pain and bleeding in the obstetric person formulating an appropriate and individualised management plan taking into account patient preferences. Manages concerns about fetal wellbeing prior to labour and can provide a supportive environment and signpost to relevant support services.

CiP 11: The doctor is competent in recognising, assessing and managing non-emergency gynaecology and early pregnancy care. Manages abnormal vaginal bleeding, performs a focused history, appropriate examination and orders appropriate investigations.

CiP 12: The doctor is competent in recognising, assessing and managing non-emergency obstetrics care. Manages pre-existing medical conditions in the pregnant woman, formulates appropriate and individualised management plans for pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period in consultation with other specialties and obstetric anaesthesia. Manages medical conditions arising in pregnancy, formulates appropriate and tailored management plans for pregnancy and birth.


The RCOG is committed to developing doctors and specialists with wide ranging professional skills and a modern, questioning attitudes to treatment and care. From postgraduate to consultant, the GMC has approved the O&G core curriculum. Our core knowledge courses are designed to help clinicians gain core knowledge for O&G training and the MRCOG examinations. These include topics such as antenatal care, maternal medicine, labour and birth, postpartum and neonatal issues, early pregnancy loss.

The College have developed The Educational Supervisors' Toolkit which signposts educational supervisors to resources to support initial and ongoing training and provides support to educational supervisors who are supervising trainees with specific needs.

The Technical Skills e-learning module offers blended eLearning and simulation training (BeST).

The Workplace-based assessment tools aim to put the trainee at the heart of the assessment process, with a much stronger emphasis on the trainee as a reflective practitioner. It allows trainers to provide formal feedback documentation to trainees and assess competences associated with the training progression of a trainee.

The Human Factors in Maternity Care and Gynaecology Event is an hands-on workshop with practical teaching sessions aimed at building skills such as assertive communication, clinical prioritisation and maintaining an awareness of the broader clinical picture.

Our world class events programme supports thousands of doctors globally each year. The College provides innovative, interactive and flexible learning models for all career stages and locations. This includes free ‘on demand’ webinars.


The RCOG guidance support professionals to deliver high quality care. Our guidance also aims to provide consistency, fairness and inclusivity in the language used to communicate with a range of audiences. Guidance products range include

Scientific impact papers that advice on emerging or controversial scientific issues of relevance to obstetrics and gynaecology, together with the implications for future practice.

Green-top Guidelines provide systematically developed recommendations which assist clinicians and patients in making decisions about appropriate treatment for specific conditions.

RCOG Consent Advice series promotes good practice in the area of consent an important part of clinical practice.

The Best Practice Papers for Leading Safe Choices are based on existing RCOG, FSRH, FIGO, WHO and Jhpiego materials and have been developed by a senior group of international experts drawn from RCOG senior fellows and partners.

Clinical Governance Advice documents are produced by the Guidelines Committee and the Professional and Clinical Standards Committee.
