Site Map
For the public
- Menopause and later life
Browse our patient information
- Abdominal hysterectomy – recovering well
- Abortion care
- About RCOG guidelines and parallel information for the public
- Acute pelvic inflammatory disease (PID): tests and treatment
- Air travel and pregnancy
- Alcohol and pregnancy
- Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling
- Antenatal care for uncomplicated pregnancies
- Assisted vaginal birth (ventouse or forceps)
- Being overweight in pregnancy and after birth
- Beta thalassaemia and pregnancy
- Birth after previous caesarean
- Bleeding and/or pain in early pregnancy
- Blood transfusion, pregnancy and birth
- Breech baby at the end of pregnancy
- Care of a third- or fourth-degree tear that occurred during childbirth (also known as obstetric anal sphincter injury OASI)
- Cervical smears and pregnancy
- Cervical stitch
- Chickenpox and pregnancy
- Considering a caesarean birth
- Cord blood banking
- Corticosteroids in pregnancy to reduce complications from being born prematurely
- COVID-19 and Pregnancy
- Developing patient information leaflets
- Diagnosis and treatment of venous thrombosis in pregnancy and after birth
- Early miscarriage
- Ectopic pregnancy patient information
- Endometrial ablation – recovering well
- Endometriosis
- Epilepsy in pregnancy
- Female genital mutilation (FGM)
- Genital herpes in pregnancy
- Gestational diabetes
- Molar pregnancy and gestational trophoblastic disease
- Group B Streptococcus (GBS) in pregnancy and newborn babies
- Having a small baby
- Healthy eating and vitamin supplements in pregnancy
- Heavy bleeding after birth (postpartum haemorrhage)
- HIV and pregnancy
- Induction of labour: information for the public
- Laparoscopic hysterectomy – recovering well
- Laparoscopy – recovering well
- Large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ)
- Long-term pelvic pain
- Malaria and pregnancy
- Managing premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
- Menopause: diagnosis and management
- Mid-urethral sling operation for stress urinary incontinence – recovering well
- Morcellation for myomectomy or hysterectomy
- Multiple pregnancy: having more than one baby
- Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
- Outpatient hysteroscopy
- Ovarian cancer
- Ovarian cysts before the menopause
- Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
- Pelvic floor repair operation – recovering well
- Pelvic girdle pain and pregnancy
- Pelvic organ prolapse
- Perineal tears during childbirth – patient information poster
- Physical activity and pregnancy
- Placenta praevia, placenta accreta and vasa praevia
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): what it means for your long-term health
- Postmenopausal bleeding – Poster
- Pre-eclampsia
- Pregnancy and breast cancer
- Pregnancy sickness (nausea and vomiting of pregnancy and hyperemesis gravidarum)
- Premature labour
- Recovering from surgical management of a miscarriage
- Recovering well from gynaecological procedures
- Recurrent miscarriage
- Reducing the risk of venous thrombosis in pregnancy and after birth
- Revalidation: How do I know my doctor is up to date?
- Shoulder dystocia
- Sickle cell disease and pregnancy
- Skin conditions of the vulva
- Smoking and pregnancy
- Sterilisation for women and men
- Surgery for stress incontinence
- Treatment for symptoms of the menopause
- Umbilical cord prolapse in late pregnancy
- Understanding how risk is discussed in health care
- Vaginal hysterectomy – recovering well
- When your baby dies before birth
- When your waters break prematurely
- Your baby's movements in pregnancy
- Patient information for consultation
- Endometrial Hyperplasia
- A-Z of medical terms
- About your doctor
- RCOG engagement: Listening to patients
- FAQs from women and the public
- Perineal tears and episiotomies in childbirth
- Other sources of help
- Pelvic floor health
- Podcasts
- About mesh
Translated patient information
- Group B Streptococcus (GBS) in pregnancy and newborn babies (Arabic)
- Being overweight during pregnancy and after birth (Arabic)
- Early miscarriage (Arabic)
- Pre-eclampsia (Arabic)
- PCOS (Arabic)
- Gestational diabetes (Arabic)
- Treatment for symptoms of the menopause (Arabic)
- Acute PID (Arabic)
- Outpatient hysteroscopy (Arabic)
- Care of a third or fourth degree tear that occurred during childbirth (Arabic)
- Menopause (Arabic)
- Being overweight during pregnancy and after birth (Urdu)
- Early miscarriage (Urdu)
- Placenta praevia (Urdu)
- Care of a third or fourth degree tear that occurred during childbirth (Urdu) - awaiting PDF
- Acute PID (Urdu)
- Pre-eclampsia (Urdu)
- Treatment for symptoms of the menopause (Urdu)
- Outpatient hysteroscopy (Urdu) - awaiting PDF
- PCOS (Urdu)
- Gestational diabetes (Urdu)
- When your waters break early (PPROM) (Urdu)
- Group B Streptococcus (GBS) in pregnancy and newborn babies (Urdu)
- Gestational diabetes (Portuguese)
- Being overweight during pregnancy and after birth (Portuguese)
- Early miscarriage (Portuguese)
- Acute PID (Portuguese)
- Pre-eclampsia (Portuguese)
- PCOS (Portuguese)
- Placenta praevia, acreta and vasa praevia (Portuguese)
- Menopause (Portuguese)
- When your waters break early (PPROM)
- Being overweight during pregnancy and after birth (Ukrainian)
- When your waters break early (Ukrainian)
- Care of a third or fourth degree tear (Ukrainian)
- Early miscarriage (Ukrainian)
- Placenta praevia (Ukrainian)
- Gestational diabetes (Ukrainian)
- Pre-eclampsia (Ukrainian)
- PCOS (Ukrainian)
- Treatment for symptoms of the menopause (Ukrainian)
- Outpatient hysteroscopy (Ukrainian)
- Menopause (Ukrainian)
- OPH (Polish)
- Being overweight (Polish)
- Acute PID (Polish)
- OASI (Polish)
- Early miscarriage (Polish)
- Menopause (Polish)
- PCOS (Polish)
- When your waters break early (Polish)
- Gestational diabetes (Polish)
- Pre-eclampsia (Polish)
- Placenta praevia (Polish) - awaiting PDF
- Placenta praevia, acreta and vasa praevia (Polish)
- Group B Streptococcus (GBS) in pregnancy and newborn babies (Polish)
- Spanish
- Outpatient hysteroscopy (Punjabi)
- Treatment for symptoms of the menopause (Punjabi)
- Care of a third or fourth degree tear that occurred during childbirth (Punjabi)
- Early miscarriage (Punjabi)
- PCOS (Punjabi)
- Placenta praevia (Punjabi)
- Being overweight during pregnancy and after birth (Punjabi)
- Pre-eclampsia (Punjabi)
- Gestational diabetes (Punjabi)
- Acute PID (Punjabi)
- When your waters break early (PPROM) (Punjabi)
- Group B Streptococcus (GBS) in pregnancy and newborn babies (Punjabi)
- Care of a third or fourth degree tear that occurred during childbirth (Romanian)
- Acute PID (Romanian)
- Being overweight during pregnancy and after birth (Romanian)
- Outpatient hysteroscopy (Romanian)
- Gestational diabetes (Romanian)
- Treatment for symptoms of the menopause (Romanian)
- Pre-eclampsia (Romanian)
- Early miscarriage (Romanian)
- PCOS (Romanian)
- Placenta praevia, acreta and vasa praevia (Romanian)
- When your waters break early (PPROM) (Romanian)
- Group B Streptococcus (GBS) in pregnancy and newborn babies (Romanian)
- Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (Bengali)
- Being overweight during pregnancy and after birth (Bengali)
- Early miscarriage (Bengali)
- Outpatient hysteroscopy (Bengali)
- When your waters break early (Bengali)
- Treatment for symptoms of the menopause (Bengali)
- Pre-eclampsia (Bengali)
- PCOS (Bengali)
- Placenta praevia (Bengali)
- Gestational diabetes (Bengali)
- Group B Streptococcus (GBS) in pregnancy and newborn babies (Bengali)
Simplified Chinese
- Outpatient hysteroscopy (Simplified Chinese)
- Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (Simplified Chinese)
- Care of a third or fouth degree tear that occurred during childbirth (Simplified Chinese)
- Being overweight during pregnancy and after birth (Simplified Chinese)
- Gestational diabetes (Simplified Chinese)
- Treatment for symptoms of the menopause (Simplified Chinese)
- PPROM (Simplified Chinese)
- Pre-eclampsia (Simplified Chinese)
- PCOS (Simplified Chinese)
- Early miscarriage (Simplified Chinese)
- Placenta praevia (Simplified Chinese)
- Group B Streptococcus (GBS) in pregnancy and newborn babies (Chinese)
- OASI (French)
- Acute PID (French)
- Being overweight during pregnancy and after birth (French)
- PCOS (French)
- Early miscarriage (French)
- Treatment for symptoms of the menopause (French)
- When your waters break early (French)
- Birth after previous caesarean (French)
- Gestational diabetes (French)
- Pre-eclampsia (French)
- Placenta praevia, acreta and vasa praevia (French)
- Group B Streptococcus (GBS) in pregnancy and newborn babies (French)
Careers and training
Starting your O&G career
- Recruitment into O&G
- An introduction to O&G
Specialty training
Assessment and progression through training
- Training matrix
- CiP sign off
- Sign-off by other methodologies (OM)
- ARCP (Annual Review of Competence Progression)
- Induction and appraisal for trainees
- Workplace-based assessments WPBAs
- Multi-source feedback TO1 and TO2 forms
- Recording development and experiences throughout training
- Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons (NOTSS)
- Training Evaluation Form (TEF)
- Certification of training & specialist registration
- Introduction to specialty training in O&G
Assessment and progression through training
- Exams, research and academia
- RCOG hub for International Medical Graduates
Working in Britain for non-UK doctors
- Information for EEA doctors
- Medical Training Initiative (MTI) scheme
- Guidance for non-EEA international doctors
- Guidance for refugee doctors
- Trainee ePortfolio
- RCOG Learning
Courses and events
RCOG World Congress
- RCOG Congress 2023
- Congress history
- RCOG World Congress 2024
- RCOG World Congress 2025
RCOG webinars
- Genomics in perinatal medicine
- 4D’s for Delay in second stage - (Dilemmas, Decisions, Developments and new Devices for assisted vaginal birth)
- COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy: a global perspective
- Recent Updates in Reproductive Medicine
- Intrapartum fetal heart monitoring: getting it right (part 2)
- January 2024: Neonatal assessment and practice in Black, Asian and ethnic minority neonates
- Your fertility questions answered: An RCOG Women's Network live webinar
- Endometriosis Updates
- Perinatal pathology - Are we in a staffing crisis?
- Fetal anaemia: Latest evidence on diagnosis and management
- Uterine transplantation in the UK: An epic journey
- The global fight to improve maternal health
- On-demand RCOG courses
- Courses and events FAQs
- Information for attendees
- Submit an idea for a new educational product
- Terms and conditions | Courses and events
- International Women's Day 2024
RCOG World Congress
O&G Curriculum 2024
- Background
- News and events
- FAQs
- Core Curriculum
- Subspecialty Training (SST) | 2024
- Special Interest Professional Modules (SIPMs) | 2024
Special Interest Training Modules (SITMs) | 2024
- Special Interest Modules (SITMs & SIPMs) Definitive Document | 2024
- Obstetric curriculum guides | 2024
Gynaecology curriculum guides
- Gynaecological Surgical Care (GSC)
- Management of complex non-malignant disease (MCND)
- Oncology (O)
- Management of Subfertility (MoS)
- Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP)
- Colposcopy (C)
- Complex early pregnancy and non-elective gynaecology (CEPNG)
- Therapeutic Hysteroscopy (TH)
- Menopause Care (MPC)
- Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology (PAG)
- Robotic Assisted Gynaecological Surgery (RAGS)
- Safe Practice in Abortion Care (SPAC)
- Urogynaecology and Vaginal Surgery (UGVS)
- Vulval Disease (VD)
- SITMs: registration and completion
- Learners support and guidance
- Educators support and guidance
- Training ePortfolio support and guidance
- Subspecialty training - Curriculum 2024
- Training Matrix 2024-2025
- Essential Guide
- Undergraduate training in O&G
- Academic training
- Abortion education hub
- Foundation training in O&G
- Mesh Complications Management Training Pathway Pilot Development
O&G Curriculum 2019
Core Curriculum
- Core Curriculum: CiP 1
- Core Curriculum: CiP 2
- Core Curriculum: CiP 3
- Core Curriculum: CiP 4
- Core Curriculum: CiP 5
- Core Curriculum: CiP 6
- Core Curriculum: CiP 7
- Core Curriculum: CiP 8
- Core Curriculum: CiP 9
- Core Curriculum: CiP 10
- Core Curriculum: CiP 11
- Core Curriculum: CiP 12
- Core Curriculum: CiP 13
- Core Curriculum: CiP 14
Knowledge Requirements for Core Curriculum
- Knowledge Area 1 Clinical skills
- Knowledge Area 2 Teaching and research
- Knowledge Area 3 Core surgical skills
- Knowledge Area 4 Postoperative care
- Knowledge Area 5 Antenatal care
- Knowledge Area 6 Maternal medicine
- Knowledge Area 7 Management of labour
- Knowledge Area 8 Management of delivery
- Knowledge Area 9 Postpartum problems
- Knowledge Area 10 Gynaecological problems
- Knowledge Area 11 Subfertility
- Knowledge Area 12 Sexual and reproductive health
- Knowledge Area 13 Early pregnancy care
- Knowledge Area 14 Gynaecological oncology
- Knowledge Area 15 – Urogynaecology and pelvic floor problems
- ASMs Advanced Skills Module
- APM: Advanced Professional Module
- Subspecialty training | Curriculum 2019
Core Curriculum
- Ultrasound module: Intermediate ultrasound of early pregnancy complications
O&G Curriculum 2024
Resources and support for trainees
- Training requirements for the matrix FAQs
- Advice and support for trainees
- Education and training in the context of COVID-19
- eLearning for trainees
- Training ePortfolio
- Out of programme (OOP)
- Less than full-time (LTFT) training
- Acting up and locum consultant posts
- UK trainee fees and benefits
Resources and support for trainers
- Delivering postgraduate academic education and training
- Useful resources for trainers
Job descriptions for RCOG educational roles
- College Tutor: job description
- Educational Supervisor: Job description
- SITM Director: job description
- SITM Preceptor: job description
- SITM Educational Supervisor: job description
- Ultrasound Educational Supervisor: job description
- Subspecialty Training Programme Supervisor: job description
- Workplace Behaviours Champion: job description
- Local Simulation Lead: job description
- Deanery Ultrasound Coordinator: job description
- SIPM Educational Supervisor
- Faculty Development Framework
- RCOG Trainees' Register
- International accreditation programmes
- Surgical training skills project
- Booking your exam
- DRCOG: Our Diploma exam
- Exams news and updates
- Exam policies
- Exam regulations: DRCOG & MRCOG
MRCOG: Our specialty training exam
- Assessment of Training (AoT)
- MRCOG Pass Mark
MRCOG Part 1
- MRCOG Part 1: key dates and fees
- MRCOG Part 1 exam: how to apply
- MRCOG Part 1 exam: Eligibility application form
- MRCOG Part 1 exam: Eligibility application online form
- MRCOG Part 1: Expression of interest form
- MRCOG Part 1: Expression of interest
- MRCOG Part 1: exam format
- FAQs
- MRCOG Part 1 revision resources
- Single Best Answer (SBAs)
- Syllabus
- MRCOG Part 1 exam centres
MRCOG Part 2
- MRCOG Part 2 Key dates and fees
- MRCOG Part 2 exam: how to apply
- MRCOG Part 2: Expression of interest form
- MRCOG Part 2: Expression of interest
- MRCOG Part 2: exam format
- Single Best Answer questions (SBAs)
- FAQs
- MRCOG Part 2 revision resources
- EMQs (extended matching questions)
- Syllabus
- MRCOG Part 2 exam centres
- MRCOG Part 3
- MRCOG Exam Test Centre Information
- MRCOG promotional toolkit
- MRCOG Bite-size video series
- MRCOG exam overview
CPD & revalidation
The CPD framework
- CPD Recommendations Report
- CPD framework FAQs
- CPD Guidance for Appraisers in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Tailoring the CPD programme to you
- The purpose of the new CPD programme
- The 4-step learning process
- Introduction to CPD
- Advice for CPD providers
- TOG CPD questions
- Which ePortfolio should I use?
- CPD special circumstances guidance
- Reflection
- CPD for international doctors
- eLearning for CPD
- Guidance on using CPD ePortfolio
- Explore new features in the CPD ePortfolio
- CPD ePortfolio
- Revalidation
- Appraisal
- CPD registration
The CPD framework
- Awards, grants and prizes
- Research
SAS and LE doctors
- SAS and LED Membership and Committee
- SAS and LED FAQs
- ePortfolio for SAS and LE doctors
- Membership of the RCOG for SAS and LE doctors
- ATSMs for SAS and LE doctors
- Workplace and workforce issues for SAS and LE doctors
- SAS Doctors
- Induction for SAS and Locally Employed Doctors
- SAS charter
- SAS doctors as educators
- SAS Week
- Who are SAS and LE Doctors?
- Continuing Professional Development for SAS and LEDs
- CPD for SAS and LE doctors
- Appraisal and revalidation for SAS and LE doctors
- Career development
- Specialist Roles
- Workforce reports
Improving workplace behaviours
- Regional Workplace Behaviour Champions
- RCOG and RCM joint statement on undermining and bullying in the workplace
Workplace Behaviour Toolkit
- Module 1: I feel that I have been bullied or undermined
- Module 2: I feel I have witnessed bullying or undermining
- Module 3: I have been accused of bullying or undermining
Module 4: I am responsible for a department that has a problem with bullying or undermining
- 4.1 What might poor workplace behaviour in my department look like?
- 4.2 How would I know if there is a problem with poor workplace behaviour in my department?
- 4.3 Why should I address poor workplace behaviour in my department?
- 4.4 What can I do to address a problem with poor workplace behaviour in my department?
- 4.5 How will I know if behaviours in my department improve and what can I do if they do not?
- Module 5: My deanery has a problem with bullying or undermining (for HoS/TPDs)
- Module 6: I am/want to be a Workplace Behaviour Champion
Module 7: I want to learn more about workplace behaviour
- 7.1 What is workplace culture and what are poor workplace behaviours?
- 7.2 How do you recognise bullying and undermining?
- 7.3 Does bullying and undermining occur in O&G/maternity care?
- 7.4 What are the effects of poor workplace behaviour and culture on patient safety, the team and quality of training?
- 7.5 What is the law regarding undermining and bullying?
Module 8: Addressing poor workplace behaviours and 'calling it out'
- 8.1 What are the important principles to consider when addressing negative behaviours?
- 8.2 What are the principles of 'calling it out with compassion'? (Second messenger system)
- 8.3 What do the second messenger conversations look like in practice?
- 8.4 How do I speak to a person who I feel has behaved poorly towards me?
- 8.5 How do I speak to a person who I feel I have witnessed behaving poorly?
- Acknowledgements
- Supporting our Doctors
- Return to Work Toolkit
Job planning
- Job plan approval process
- Principles of job plan approval for new consultant posts
- Job planning for specialist (senior SAS) roles
- Guidance for AAC Panels and Assessors
- Template person specification for an O&G consultant post
- Sample weekly timetables for an O&G consultant
- Support and resources for AAC Assessors
- Job planning resources
- Safe staffing
Starting your O&G career
Browse all guidance
Green-top Guidelines
- Amniocentesis and Chorionic Villus Sampling (Green-top Guideline No. 8)
- Antenatal corticosteroids to reduce neonatal morbidity and mortality (Green-top Guideline No. 74)
- Antenatal Corticosteroids to Reduce Neonatal Morbidity (Green-top Guideline No. 7)
- Assisted Vaginal Birth (Green-top Guideline No. 26)
- Diagnosis and Management of Ectopic Pregnancy (Green-top Guideline No. 21)
- Antepartum Haemorrhage (Green-top Guideline No. 63)
- Birth after Previous Caesarean Birth (Green-top Guideline No. 45)
- Blood Transfusions in Obstetrics (Green-top Guideline No. 47)
- Pregnancy and Breast Cancer (Green-top Guideline No. 12)
- Care after non-invasive pre-natal testing (Green-top Guideline) (1)
- Care of Women Presenting with Suspected Preterm Prelabour Rupture of Membranes from 24+0 Weeks of Gestation (Green-top Guideline No. 73)
- Care of Women with Obesity in Pregnancy (Green-top Guideline No. 72)
- Cervical cerclage (Green-top Guideline No. 75)
- Cervical Cerclage (Green-top Guideline No. 60)
- Chickenpox in Pregnancy (Green-top Guideline No. 13)
- The Initial Management of Chronic Pelvic Pain (Green-top Guideline No. 41)
- Early Pregnancy Loss, Management (Green-top Guideline No. 25)
- Endometriosis, Investigation and Management (Green-top Guideline No. 24)
- Epilepsy in Pregnancy (Green-top Guideline No. 68)
- External Cephalic Version and Reducing the Incidence of Term Breech Presentation (Green-top Guideline No. 20a)
- Female Genital Mutilation and its Management (Green-top Guideline No. 53)
- Genital Herpes in Pregnancy, Management (Green-top Guideline No. 30)
- Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (Green-top Guideline No. 38)
- Prevention of Early-onset Group B Streptococcal Disease (Green-top Guideline No. 36)
- HIV in Pregnancy, Management (Green-top Guideline No. 39)
- Outpatient Hysteroscopy (Green-top Guideline No. 59)
- Management of Inherited Bleeding Disorders in Pregnancy (Green-top Guideline No. 71)
- Laparoscopic Injuries (Green-top Guideline No. 49)
- Care of late intrauterine fetal death and stillbirth (Green-top Guideline No. 55)
- The Diagnosis and Treatment of Malaria in Pregnancy (Green-top Guideline No. 54b)
- Malaria in Pregnancy, Prevention (Green-top Guideline No. 54A)
- Management of Bladder Pain Syndrome (Green-top Guideline No. 70)
- Management of Breech Presentation (Green-top Guideline No. 20b)
- Management of Endometrial Hyperplasia (Green-top Guideline No. 67)
- Maternal Collapse in Pregnancy and the Puerperium (Green-top Guideline No. 56)
- Management of Monochorionic Twin Pregnancy (Green-top Guideline No. 51)
- Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (Green-top Guideline No. 43)
- Ovarian Cysts in Postmenopausal Women (Green-top Guideline No. 34)
- The Management of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (Green-top Guideline No. 5)
- Ovarian Masses in Premenopausal Women, Management of Suspected (Green-top Guideline No. 62)
- Management of Suspected Ovarian Masses in Premenopausal Women (Green-top Guideline No. 62)
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (Green-top Guideline No. 32)
- Placenta Praevia, Placenta Praevia Accreta and Vasa Praevia: Diagnosis and Management (Green-top Guideline No. 27)
- Placenta Praevia and Placenta Accreta: Diagnosis and Management (Green-top Guideline No. 27a)
- Long-term Consequences of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (Green-top Guideline No. 33)
- Post-Hysterectomy Vaginal Vault Prolapse (Green-top Guideline No. 46)
- Prevention and Management of Postpartum Haemorrhage (Green-top Guideline No. 52)
- Premenstrual Syndrome, Management (Green-top Guideline No. 48)
- Preterm Labour, Tocolytic Drugs (Green-top Guideline No. 1B)
- Preterm Prelabour Rupture of Membranes (Green-top Guideline No. 44)
- Recurrent Miscarriage (Green-top Guideline No. 17)
- Reduced Fetal Movements (Green-top Guideline No. 57)
- The Use of Anti-D Immunoglobulin for Rhesus D Prophylaxis (Green-top Guideline No. 22)
- Bacterial Sepsis following Pregnancy (Green-top Guideline No. 64b)
- Sepsis in Pregnancy, Bacterial (Green-top Guideline No. 64a)
- Severe Pre-eclampsia/Eclampsia, Management (Green-top Guideline No. 10a)
- Shoulder Dystocia (Green-top Guideline No. 42)
- Sickle Cell Disease in Pregnancy, Management of (Green-top Guideline No. 61)
- Small-for-Gestational-Age Fetus and a Growth Restricted Fetus, Investigation and Care (Green-top Guideline No. 31)
- Management of Beta Thalassaemia in Pregnancy (Green-top Guideline No. 66)
- The Management of Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy and Hyperemesis Gravidarum (Green-top Guideline No. 69)
- The Management of Women with Red Cell Antibodies during Pregnancy (Green-top Guideline No. 65)
- Third- and Fourth-degree Perineal Tears, Management (Green-top Guideline No. 29)
- Reducing the Risk of Thrombosis and Embolism during Pregnancy and the Puerperium (Green-top Guideline No. 37a)
- Thrombosis and Embolism during Pregnancy and the Puerperium: Acute Management (Green-top Guideline No. 37b)
- Umbilical Cord Prolapse (Green-top Guideline No. 50)
- Urodynamic Stress Incontinence, Surgical Treatment (Green-top Guideline No. 35)
- Vasa Praevia: Diagnosis and Management (Green-top Guideline 27b)
- Venous Thromboembolism and Hormonal Contraception (Green-top Guideline No. 40)
- Venous Thromboembolism and Hormone Replacement Therapy (Green-top Guideline No. 19)
- Vulval Skin Disorders, Management (Green-top Guideline No. 58)
- RCOG Green-top guidelines in development: quarterly update
- Identification and management of maternal sepsis during and following pregnancy (Green-top Guideline No. 64)
Scientific Impact Papers
- Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine for Women with Chronic Pelvic Pain (Scientific Impact Paper No. 30)
- Air Travel and Pregnancy (Scientific Impact Paper No. 1)
- Alternatives to HRT for the Management of Symptoms of the Menopause (Scientific Impact Paper No. 6)
- Antenatal and Postnatal Analgesia (Scientific Impact Paper No. 59)
- Antithrombotics in the Prevention of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, The Use of (Scientific Impact Paper No. 26)
- Bariatric Surgery in the Management of Female Fertility, The Role of (Scientific Impact Paper No. 17)
- Botulinum Toxin for an Overactive Bladder (Scientific Impact Paper No. 42)
- Changing Role of the Gynaecologist in the Management of Women with Cancer (Scientific Impact Paper No. 10)
- Chemical Exposures During Pregnancy: Dealing with Potential, but Unproven, Risks to Child Health (Scientific Impact Paper No. 37)
- Clamping of the Umbilical Cord and Placental Transfusion (Scientific Impact Paper No. 14)
- Developing New Pharmaceutical Treatments for Obstetric Conditions (Scientific Impact Paper No. 50)
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Gestational Diabetes (Scientific Impact Paper No. 23)
- Diagnostic Biomarkers for Predicting Adverse Early Pregnancy Outcomes (Scientific Impact Paper No. 58)
- Elective Egg Freezing for Non-Medical Reasons (Scientific Impact Paper No. 63)
- Enhanced Recovery in Gynaecology (Scientific Impact Paper No. 36)
- Epigenetics and Reproductive Medicine (Scientific Impact Paper No. 57)
- Evaluating misoprostol and mechanical methods for induction of labour (Scientific Impact Paper No. 68)
- Evaluating New Screening Methodologies (Scientific Impact Paper No. 20)
- Evidence Can Influence Clinical Practice, How (Scientific Impact Paper No. 28)
- Evidence to Support the Clinical Utility of Prenatal Exome Sequencing in the Evaluation of the Fetus with Congenital Anomalies (Scientific Impact Paper No. 64)
- Fertility-sparing Treatments in Gynaecological Cancers (Scientific Impact Paper No. 35)
- Fetal Scalp Lactate as an Alternative to Scalp pH, Is it Time for UK Obstetricians to Accept (Scientific Impact Paper No. 47)
- Subclinical hypothyroidism and antithyroid autoantibodies in women with subfertility or recurrent pregnancy loss (Scientific Impact Paper No. 70)
- Immunological Testing and Interventions for Reproductive Failure (Scientific Impact Paper No. 5)
- Induction of Labour at Term in Older Mothers (Scientific Impact Paper No. 34)
- Intrauterine Infection and Perinatal Brain Injury (Scientific Impact Paper No. 3)
- Laser treatment for genitourinary syndrome of menopause (Scientific Impact Paper No. 72)
- Life Course Approach to Women's Health Care, Why Should we Consider a (Scientific Impact Paper No. 27)
- Local Endometrial Trauma (Endometrial Scratch): A Treatment Strategy to Improve Implantation Rates (Scientific Impact Paper No. 54)
- Magnesium Sulphate to Prevent Cerebral Palsy following Preterm Birth (Scientific Impact Paper No. 29)
- Management of Ascites in Ovarian Cancer Patients (Scientific Impact Paper No. 45)
- Management of Female Malignant Ovarian Germ Cell Tumours (Scientific Impact Paper No.52)
- Management of Women with a Genetic Predisposition to Gynaecological Cancers (Scientific Impact Paper No. 48)
- Mesh in Gynaecological Surgery, The Use of (Scientific Impact Paper No. 19)
- Metformin Therapy for the Management of Infertility in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (Scientific Impact Paper No. 13)
- Multiple Pregnancy Following Assisted Reproduction (Scientific Impact Paper No. 22)
- Non-invasive Prenatal Testing for Chromosomal Abnormality using Maternal Plasma DNA (Scientific Impact Paper No. 15)
- Nutrition in Pregnancy (Scientific Impact Paper No. 18)
- Optimum Surgery in Advanced-stage Ovarian Cancer (Scientific Impact Paper No. 25)
- Patient-reported Outcome Measures in Gynaecology (Scientific Impact Paper No. 31)
- Periconceptional Folic Acid and Food Fortification in the Prevention of Neural Tube Defects (Scientific Impact Paper No. 4)
- Perinatal Management of Pregnant Women at the Threshold of Infant Viability – the Obstetric Perspective (Scientific Impact Paper No. 41)
- Perinatal Risks Associated with IVF (Scientific Impact Paper No. 8)
- Prenatal Management of Pregnancies at Risk of Fetal Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) (Scientific Impact Paper No. 61)
- Preterm Labour, Antibiotics and Cerebral Palsy (Scientific Impact Paper No. 33)
- Progress in Cervical Screening in the UK (Scientific Impact Paper No. 7
- Reproductive Ageing (Scientific Impact Paper No. 24)
- Reproductive Implications and Management of Congenital Uterine Anomalies (2024 Second Edition) (Scientific Impact Paper No. 62)
- Reproductive Outcomes after Local Treatment for Preinvasive Cervical Disease (Scientific Impact Paper No.21)
- Reproductive Trends and Assisted Reproduction Technologies (Scientific Impact Paper No. 11)
- Risk-Reducing Salpingo-Oophorectomy and the Use of Hormone Replacement Therapy Below the Age of Natural Menopause (Scientific Impact Paper No. 66)
- Robotic Surgery in Gynaecology (Scientific Impact Paper No. 71)
- Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Endometrial Cancer (Scientific Impact Paper No.51)
- Sex Steroid Treatment for Pubertal Induction and Replacement in the Adolescent Girl (Scientific Impact Paper No. 40)
- Stem Cell Therapies in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Scientific Impact Paper No. 38)
- Targeted Therapies for the Management of Ovarian Cancer (Scientific Impact Paper No. 12)
- The Combined Use of Ultrasound and Fetal Magnetic Resonance Imaging for a Comprehensive Fetal Neurological Assessment in Fetal Congenital Cardiac Defects (Scientific Impact Paper No. 60)
- The Distal Fallopian Tube as the Origin of Non-uterine Pelvic High-grade Serous Carcinomas (Scientific Impact Paper No. 44)
- The Effect of Surgery for Endometriomas on Fertility (Scientific Impact Paper No. 55)
- The Role of Natural Killer Cells in Human Fertility (Scientific Impact Paper No. 53)
- The Use of Adhesion Prevention Agents in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Scientific Impact Paper No. 39)
- Therapies Targeting the Nervous System for Chronic Pelvic Pain Relief (Scientific Impact Paper No. 46)
- Ultrasound from Conception to 10+0 Weeks of Gestation (Scientific Impact Paper No. 49)
- Umbilical Cord Blood Banking (Scientific Impact Paper No. 2)
- Vaccination Against Cervical Cancer (Scientific Impact Paper No. 9)
- Vitamin D in Pregnancy (Scientific Impact Paper 43)
- Vitamin Supplementation in Pregnancy (Scientific Impact Paper No. 16)
- Understanding the Relationship Between Social Determinants of Health and Maternal Mortality (Scientific Impact Paper No. 67)
- Uterine Transplantation (Scientific Impact Paper No. 65)
- The Use of Biomarkers to Stratify Surgical Care in Women with Ovarian Cancer (Scientific Impact Paper No. 69)
- Endometrial Cancer in Obese Women (Scientific Impact Paper No. 32)
- Management of Impacted Fetal Head at Caesarean Birth (Scientific Impact Paper No. 73) (1)
- The use of expanded carrier screening in reproductive medicine
- Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection: Update on Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (Scientific Impact Paper No. 56)
- The Use of Novel Therapies in the Management of Haemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn (HDFN) (Scientific Impact Paper No. 75)
Consent Advice
- Abdominal Hysterectomy for Benign Conditions (Consent Advice No. 4)
- Amniocentesis (Consent Advice No. 6)
- Caesarean Section (Consent Advice No. 7)
- Caesarean Section for Placenta Praevia (Consent Advice No. 12)
- Diagnostic Hysteroscopy Under General Anaesthesia (Consent Advice No. 1)
- Diagnostic Laparoscopy (Consent Advice No. 2)
- Laparoscopic Management of Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy (Consent Advice No. 8)
- Morcellation for Abdominal or Laparoscopic Myomectomy or Hysterectomy (Consent Advice No. 13)
- Operative Vaginal Delivery (Consent Advice No. 11)
- Repair of Third- and Fourth-degree Perineal Tears Following Childbirth (Consent Advice No. 9)
- Vaginal Surgery for Prolapse (Consent Advice No. 5)
- Female Sterilisation (Consent Advice No. 3)
- Surgical Management of Miscarriage and Removal of Persistent Placental or Fetal Remains (Consent Advice No. 10 Joint with AEPU)
- Planned Caesarean Birth (Consent Advice No. 14)
Clinical Governance Advice
- Development of RCOG Green-top Guidelines: Policies and Processes (Clinical Governance Advice No. 1a)
- Obtaining Valid Consent (Clinical Governance Advice No. 6)
- Obtaining Valid Consent to Participate in Perinatal Research Where Consent is Time Critical (Clinical Governance Advice No. 6a)
- Presenting Information on Risk (Clinical Governance Advice No. 7)
- Understanding Audit (Clinical Governance Advice No. 5)
- Development of RCOG Green-top Guidelines: Consensus Methods for Adaptation of RCOG Green-top Guidelines (Clinical Governance Advice No. 1d)
- Improving Patient Safety: Risk Management for Maternity and Gynaecology (Clinical Governance Advice No. 2)
Good Practice Papers
- Advice on Returning to Clinical Practice after a Period of Absence (Good Practice No. 1)
- Cardiac Disease and Pregnancy (Good Practice No. 13)
- Classification of Urgency of Caesarean Section – a Continuum of Risk (Good Practice No. 11)
- Disposal following Pregnancy Loss before 24 Weeks of Gestation (Good Practice No. 5)
- Gynaecology: Emergency Services Standards of Practice and Service Organisation (Good Practice No. 9)
- Improving Patient Handover (Good Practice No. 12)
- Labour Ward Solutions (Good Practice No. 10)
- Management of Women with Mental Health Issues during Pregnancy and the Postnatal Period (Good Practice No.14)
- Maternity Dashboard: Clinical Performance and Governance Score Card (Good Practice No. 7)
- Minimum Standards in Respect of Elective Work Performed During a Consultant’s Absence (Good Practice no. 3)
- Reconfiguration of Women's Services in the UK (Good Practice No. 15)
- Registration of Stillbirths and Certification for Pregnancy Loss Before 24 Weeks of Gestation (Good Practice No. 4)
- Responsibility of Consultant On-call (Good Practice No. 8)
- The Role of Emergency and Elective Interventional Radiology in Postpartum Haemorrhage (Good Practice No. 6)
- Pain Relief and Informed Decision Making for Outpatient Hysteroscopy (Good Practice Paper No. 16)
- Maternity Triage (Good Practice Paper No. 17)
- Managing Events Surrounding a Maternal Death and Supporting the Family and Staff (Good Practice Paper No. 18)
- Prevention and Treatment of Work-Related Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms in the Maternity and Gynaecology Workforce (Good Practice Paper No. 19)
- Patient Safety Alerts
- Best Practice Papers
Other guidelines and reports
- Clinical Guidelines for Early Medical Abortion at Home – England
- Fetal Awareness: Updated review of Research and Recommendations for Practice
- Management of Genital Herpes in Pregnancy
- Supporting women and their partners through prenatal screening for Down's syndrome, Edwards' syndrome and Patau's syndrome
- Providing Quality Care for Women: Obstetrics and Gynaecology Workforce
- Standards for Gynaecology
- Standards for Maternity Care
- Termination of Pregnancy for Fetal Abnormality in England, Scotland and Wales
- The Care of Women Requesting Induced Abortion (Evidence-based Clinical Guideline No. 7)
- Uterine Artery Embolisation in the Management of Fibroids
- Valproate Use In Women and Girls Of Childbearing Years
- Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Vulval Carcinoma
- Zika virus infection and pregnancy
- Management of Unscheduled Bleeding in Women Using Hormonal Contraception
- International Evidence-based Guideline on polycystic ovary syndrome
- Enhanced Maternal Care Units guidance
- Mpox (Monkeypox) in Pregnancy (RCOG/RCM joint guidance)
- Management of unscheduled bleeding on hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
- Guidance on improving access to maternity care for women affected by charging
- Prevention, Diagnosis and Management of Hyponatraemia in Labour and the Immediate Postpartum Period
- Safe access zones guidance
Green-top Guidelines
- Coronavirus (COVID-19), pregnancy and women’s health
- Library services
Patient safety
- Learning reports and RCOG responses
- Further resources for patient safety
- The Independent Maternity Working Group (IMWG)
- Programmes of work
Maternity safety
- Multi-disciplinary team working
- Leadership
- Staff wellbeing
- Listening to women and compassionate care
Addressing inequalities
Tackling inequalities and disadvantage during pregnancy and birth
- Understanding the scale of the problem
- The impact of COVID-19
- Intimate partner violence: supporting women at risk
- NHS England's Maternity and neonatal equity & equality programme
- Children's social care contact
- Models of care for women with social risk factors
- Smokefree pregnant households pathway
- It's ok to ask in maternity
- What evidence do we have for effective interventions
- Q&A session
Tackling inequalities and disadvantage during pregnancy and birth
- Safe staffing
- Technical skills and knowledge
- Personalised care and choice
- Looking ahead
- Guidance consultation documents
- RCOG guidelines disclaimer
- Consent
- Reproducing RCOG guidance and patient information
Browse all guidance
- Membership categories
Fellows and Members
- Admission ceremonies
- Fellowship ad eundem and honoris causa
- Membership support
- Notices of deaths of Fellows and Members
Obituaries of RCOG Fellows and Members
- Obituary: Osama El-Sayed Farouz Abdalla
- Obituary: Nawal Afifi
- Obituary: Fidelis Akagbosu
- Obituary: Margaret Mary Anderson
- Obituary: George Henry Bancroft-Livingston
- Obituary: Richard William Beard
- Obituary: Raymond Trygve Booth
- Obituary: John Andrew Carron Brown
- Obituary: Thomas Graham Brown
- Obituary: John Michael Brudenell
- Obituary: Colin Bullough
- Obituary: Matthew John Carty
- Obituary: Petronella Clarke
- Obituary: Allan Gordon Cumming
- Obituary: Mohamed Yusoff Dawood
- Obituary: Sir John Dewhurst
- Obituary: Jim Dornan
- Obituary: Charles Primrose Douglas
- Obituary: Anthony Buhagiar Duke
- Obituary: John Geoffrey Dumoulin MBE
- Obituary: Errol Mendus Edwards
- Obituary: Melville Robert Fell (Peter Fell)
- Obituary: Sir Rustam Feroze
- Obituary: Thomas Benedict Fitzgerald
- Obituary: Winnifred Jean Alexander Francis
- Obituary: Catherine Hamlin
- Obituary: Professor James McDougall Graham Harley CBE
- Obituary: Bryan Hibbard
- Obituary: Edmund Steven Howarth
- Obituary: Jean Murray Jones
- Obituary: Manickam Kanagalingam
- Obituary: Tom Lewis
- Obituary: Rees Lloyd-Jones
- Obituary: Malcolm Campbell Macnaughton
- Obituary: John Malvern
- Obituary: Alastair David McIntosh
- Obituary: John C Miller
- Obituary: Peter Milton
- Obituary: James Mowat
- Obituary: John Newton
- Obituary: Peter Niven
- Obituary: Rory O’Connor
- Obituary: Margaret O'Flynn
- Obituary: Vicky Mary Osgood
- Obituary: Vicky Mary Osgood Dubois
- Obituary: Kirsty Paterson
- Obituary: Mike Patterson
- Obituary: Sir John Harold Peel
- Obituary: Elliot Philipp
- Obituary: Sir George Pinker
- Obituary: John Henry McKnight (Jack) Pinkerton
- Obituary: Timothy John Pocock
- Obituary: John Pogmore
- Obituary: Henry Roberts
- Obituary: Elizabeth Margaret Rose
- Obituary: Peter G Saunders
- Obituary: James Steel Scott
- Obituary: John Beocher Scrimgeour
- Obituary: David Stanley Sharp
- Obituary: Saras Smith
- Obituary: Tom Smith
- Obituary: Margarita Carmeno Stevenson
- Obituary: David Bradshaw Stewart
- Obituary: Hazel Stibbe
- Obituary: Derek Tacchi
- Obituary: Victor Ronald Tindall
- Obituary: Philomena Obiageliuwa Uyanwah
- Obituary: Julian Woolfson OBE LLM FRCOG
- Obituary: Pharic Gillibrand
- William Peter Mason FRCS FRCOG
- Professor Mahmoud Fahmy Fathallah
- Obituary: Professor Chris Redman
- RCOG Associates
- Trainees
- Benefits of RCOG membership
- Renew your membership
- Membership fees and payment FAQs
- Country bandings
- How membership fees support our mission
- Retired Fellows and Members
About us
- What we do
- History of the College
Get involved with our work
- Supporting us
Education, exams and professional development
- Equivalence Adviser | Equivalence Advisory Group
- Portfolio Pathway Advisor
- Chair | Education Quality Assurance Committee (EQAC)
- Consultant/Senior SAS Doctor | eLearning Core Knowledge Editorial Board
- Regional host | RCOG National Trainees Conference 2026
- MRCOG Part 2 Question Writer and Course Faculty Task and Finish Group Member (Consultant/senior SAS doctor)
- Clinical quality, research and patient safety
- Workforce and supporting the profession roles
- Council roles
- Global health roles
- Why get involved with our work
- Public facing roles
- Have your say
Campaigning and opinions
Position statements
- RCOG submission to the DHSC Consultation on ‘Making vaccination a condition of deployment in the health and wider social care sector’
- Position statement: Equitable access to maternity care for refugee, asylum seeking and undocumented migrant women
- Statement from representative bodies for those working in maternity and neonatal services
- Pelvic floor health position statement
- Coalition of Health Professional Bodies and Royal Colleges on SRHR joint statement on the Women & Girls Strategy
- Position statement: Self-managed abortion
- RCOG response to the IDC inquiry into ‘FCDO’s approach to sexual and reproductive health’
- Achieving success with the Women's Health Hub model
- Reforming Abortion Law
- RCOG and BGCS policy position: Gynaecological cancers
- RCOG position statement: Poverty, deprivation and women’s health
- Position statement: Virginity testing and hymenoplasty
- Policy position: Racial and ethnic equality in women’s health
- Policy position: Climate change and women’s health
- Position Statement: Global gynaecological health
- Better for Women
- Addressing waiting times gynaecology
- Women’s Health Strategy in England
- Getting back on track: the case for reinvestment in global sexual and reproductive health and rights
- RCOG general election asks 2024
- RCOG priorities for the 10-Year Health Plan for England
Position statements
- Global network
Groups and societies
- Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH)
Specialist Societies
- Association of Early Pregnancy Units (AEPU)
- British Association of Perinatal Medicine (BAPM)
- British and Irish Association of Robotic Gynaecological Surgeons (BIARGS)
- British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH)
- British Fertility Society (BFS)
- British Gynaecological Cancer Society (BGCS)
- British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society (BMFMS)
- British Menopause Society (BMS)
- British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (BSCCP)
- British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (BSGE)
- British Society for Gynaecological Imaging (BSGI)
- British Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology (BritSPAG)
- British Society for the Study of Vulval Disease (BSSVD)
- British Society of Abortion Care Providers (BSACP)
- British Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Andrology (BSPOGA)
- British Society of Urogynaecology (BSUG)
- Institute of Psychosexual Medicine (IPM)
- Academic Board
- Special Interest Training Committee
- Audit and Risk Committee
- Board of Trustees
- Clinical Quality Assurance Group (CQAG)
- Clinical Quality Board
- Congress Committee
- Curriculum Committee
- Disciplinary, Removal and Reinstatement Committee (DRRC)
- DRCOG Sub-committee
- Education Board
- Education Quality Assurance Committee (EQAC)
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
- Portfolio Pathway Advisory Group
- Examination and Assessment Committee
- Finance and General Purposes Committee (F&GP)
- Global Health Advisory Committee
- Global Health Board
- Guidelines Committee
- Investment Advisory Panel
- Membership Board
- MTI Committee
- Northern Ireland Committee
- Part 1 & 2 MRCOG Standard Setting committee
- Part 1 MRCOG Sub-committee
- Part 2 MRCOG EMQ Sub-committee
- Part 2 MRCOG SBA Sub-committee
- Part 3 MRCOG Clinical Assessment Sub-committee
- Patient Information Committee
- Patient Safety Committee
- Professional Development Committee
- RCOG Learning Editorial Board
- RCOG Women's Network
- RCOG Research
- Scientific Advisory Committee
- Scottish Committee
- Specialty Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
- Subspecialty Committee
- TOG Editorial Board
- Trainees' Committee
- Global Health Trainees’ Committee
- Welsh Executive Committee
- Workforce Board
- Heritage Committee
- Meet the RCOG National Trainees’ Committee (NTC)
- SAS and LED Committee
- Chief Executive Officer
- Council
- Officers
- Code of conduct
- Complaints policy and procedure
- Data protection statement
- Data Protection Policy and Procedures
- This Data Security and Protection Incident Handling Policy and Procedures
- Equality and diversity policy
- Endorsement policy
- Equal opportunities policy
- Franchising policy for RCOG educational courses
- Information Governance Policy
- Publishing links to third-party websites
- Records Management Policy and Procedures
- Rights and permissions
- Safeguarding policy
- Social media policy
- Travel and Expenses Policy – UK and Ireland
- Travel and Expenses Policy – Global
- Volunteering policy
- Working with industry
- Creating a smokefree generation
- Advertising, sponsorship and corporate opportunities
- Facilities and venue hire
- Equality, diversity and inclusion at the RCOG
Quality improvement, clinical audit and research projects
- Each Baby Counts
- National Maternity and Perinatal Audit (NMPA)
- Tommy's National Centre for Maternity Improvement
- COVID Maternity Equality Project (CMEP)
Genomics at RCOG
- Genomics: Introduction and importance in O&G
- Genomics resources and learning plan
- Further training opportunities
- RCOG Genomics Standing Committee
- Avoiding Brain Injury in Childbirth (ABC)
- The Workforce Planning Tool for Obstetrics and Anaesthesia
- The OASI Care Bundle
- Union Street women’s health hub
- College ambition for sustainability and climate change
- The College’s ambition for race equality
- Journals
- Blog: Reducing the carbon footprint of surgical care
- Medical bodies representing women’s health say move to end telemedicine abortion service will be devastating for women
- RCOG supports government vaccine campaign
- RCOG responds to cervical screening changes in Wales
- RCOG responds to Women’s Health Strategy Vision
- Leading Maternity Royal Colleges urge NHS to avoid redeploying maternity staff
- RCOG welcomes updated COVID-19 working guidance
- Maternity Royal Colleges welcome prioritisation of pregnant women for COVID-19 vaccination
- RCOG responds to Government's booster vaccine roll out
- Maternity Royal Colleges welcome extension to booster COVID-19 vaccine programme
- New safety data from UKHSA provides more evidence that COVID-19 vaccine is safe in pregnancy
- RCOG responds to latest MBRRACE-UK Maternal report
- Understanding the relationship between social determinants of health and maternal mortality
- RCOG calls for urgent research into miscarriage rates
- RCOG and BMS welcome consultation on vaginal HRT
- RCOG welcomes new research from MMHA
- £3 million funding to support the Avoiding Brain Injury in Childbirth programme
- RCOG responds to Lancet report linking adverse birth outcomes to inequality
- RCOG supports calls for international governments to act on climate change
- Maternity Colleges urge pregnant women to have flu vaccine and COVID-19 vaccine this winter
- RCOG, RCPCH and UKHACC call for urgent environmental action to protect the health of children, pregnant women and their babies
- World Patient Safety Day 2021
- Pregnant women eligible for the COVID-19 booster vaccine urged to take up offer
- RCOG responds to latest HSIB report
- RCOG/FSRH respond to reports of 30,000 women’s periods affected after COVID-19 vaccine
- Structural weaknesses in maternity funding exposed by COVID, say maternity Royal Colleges
- Leading medical bodies express disappointment at Government’s decision not to make telemedicine for abortion care permanent
- RCOG and RCM welcome report and draft guidelines for when the state intervenes at birth
- Pregnancy screening algorithm can reduce racial disparities in baby deaths, research shows
- RCOG concerned that mandatory vaccination will impact safe delivery of maternity services
- Latest UKHSA data provides more evidence on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy
- RCOG welcomes new NMPA audit study
- Top tips for healthcare professionals: Cervical screenings
- RCOG responds to HMP Styal report
- New draft guideline outlines best practice for treating recurrent miscarriage
- Maternity Colleges welcome latest MBRRACE-UK report
- RCOG supports calls from NHS to pregnant women to get vaccinated against COVID-19
- RCOG responds to HMP Bronzefield report
- RCOG responds to CQC maternity services report
- FSRH and RCOG launch Telemedicine Facts campaign
- RCOG to mark World Patient Safety Day
- RCOG welcomes increase on storage limits for eggs, sperm and embryos
- RCOG/ACOG statement on the situation in Afghanistan
- RCOG response to the Mail on Sunday article
- RCOG statement on the situation in Ukraine
- RCOG welcomes plans to improve mental health support for pregnant women and new parents
- New WHO abortion guidelines pivotal to end unsafe abortions globally
- RCOG statement on sexual harassment in the O&G workforce
- The majority of women who gave birth in December 2021 were vaccinated
- RCOG calls for an urgent review of how UK Government cares for pregnant women within the asylum system
- RCOG calls on MPs to vote in favour of telemedicine for early medical abortion being made permanent
- Dark day for maternity services as RCOG responds to the final Ockenden review
- Parliament votes to make telemedicine for early medical abortion permanent in England
- More than half a million women face prolonged waits for gynaecology care
- Our planet, our health
- Monthly blog from RCOG President
- A Royal opening of RCM's and RCOG's new headquarters in London
- RCOG welcomes HRT tsar appointment
- Medical organisations respond jointly to supply shortages of HRT
- RCOG welcomes new NMPA study
- Monthly blog from RCOG President – May 2022
- COVID-19 vaccination associated with 15% reduction in stillbirths in pregnant women
- Educating the next generation of abortion providers – how to get it right.
- Maternity Royal Colleges welcome increased COVID-19 vaccine uptake in pregnant women
- RCOG Women’s Voices Lead appointed cross-bench peer
- RCOG responds to Birthrights inquiry into racial injustice in maternity care
- RCOG responds to Five X More’s The Black Maternity Experiences Survey
- Blog: How the RCOG is working collaboratively to support women experiencing the menopause
- RCOG welcomes study looking at NHS staff’s experiences of discrimination during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Pride Month: We all need to strive to provide inclusive healthcare
- New paper provides best practice for managing monkeypox in pregnancy
- Blog: Implementing sexual and reproductive healthcare in a refugee camp
- New President of the RCOG elected
- RCOG recommends against using over-the-counter menopause tests
- Blog: Right people, right skills, right place, right time
- Blog: Post-traumatic stress disorder – part of our normal working life?
- RCOG welcomes Re:Birth project
- UK Government must stop ignoring impact of air pollution in pregnancy and set air quality targets which protect the health of future generations
- RCOG welcomes England's new Women’s Health Ambassador
- Monthly blog from RCOG President – June 2022
- RCOG 2022 fringe event: Equitable access to maternity care for refugee, asylum seeking and undocumented migrant women
- Blog: Pregnancy and COVID-19 vaccines: why the messaging evolved
- Monthly blog from RCOG President – March 2022
- Monthly blog from RCOG President – February 2022
- Monthly blog from RCOG President – January 2022
- Monthly blog from RCOG President – December 2021
- Monthly blog from RCOG President – November 2021
- “You like my toenails?” Caring for pregnant migrant women
- Virginity testing: My story
- The ways data are used for vital research
- Post-traumatic stress disorder – part of our normal working life?
- How inequalities impact maternal and perinatal care
- 10 things you should know about endometriosis
- US Supreme Court decision to revoke abortion rights condemned by leading global healthcare organisations
- Reflections on the Each Baby Counts programme
- Pushing fast-forward on maternity care through digital innovation
- The Menopause: Facts and misinformation
- Providing a new care pathway for people with thoracic endometriosis
- Let's break the silence around fertility
- Telemedicine abortion – a patient-friendly pathway that could help expand safe abortion access globally
- ‘Women and War: The Price of Violence’- Free to access
- Blog: A turning point in miscarriage care
- Make Abortion Safe: Advocating for safe access to abortion in Zambia
- Group B Strep Awareness Month – Get informed
- Folic acid fortification of non-wholemeal wheat flour in the UK
- Monthly blog from RCOG President | September 2021
- Sustainability and Health Post COP-26
- Gynaecology waiting lists continue to grow, MPs told at Westminster Hall Debate
- ‘No reputable evidence’ for progesterone use in ‘abortion reversal’, say medical organisations
- RCOG responds to new report looking at the maternity experiences of Muslim women
- RCOG responds to the Women’s Health Strategy for England
- US ‘Helms Amendment’ is misogynistic legislation preventing women from accessing safe abortion around the world, says RCOG
- Draft guideline on the ‘Care of Trans and Gender Diverse People within Obstetrics and Gynaecology’ opens for consultation
- RCOG publishes resources to support pregnant women considering how to give birth
- Monthly blog from RCOG President – August 2022
- Women’s health leaders renew calls for the UK Government to decriminalise abortion
- RCOG and FSRH welcome telemedicine for early medical abortion care being made permanent in England
- Maternity Colleges release joint statement on COVID-19 vaccinations for pregnant and breastfeeding women
- The RCOG confirms agreement with Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Queen Elizabeth II, 1926-2022
- Postponement of MRCOG Part 1 exam
- Monthly blog from RCOG President – September 2022
- Vice President election 2022
- Blog: Quality abortion care for everyone, everywhere
- New Role for RCOG President, Dr Edward Morris
- New Independent Maternity Working Group to guide the Maternity Transformation Programme in England
- Blog: World Contraception Day - a clinician’s call for action
- RCOG Learning
- Maternity Colleges urge pregnant women to have flu and Covid-19 vaccines this winter
- RCOG responds to reports that the Health Disparities White Paper has been scrapped
- Monthly blog from RCOG President – October 2022
- RCOG urges Home Office not to deport heavily pregnant woman to Rwanda
- RCOG welcomes vote by MPs to support buffer zones around abortion clinics
- RCOG responds to the East Kent maternity investigation
- RCOG launches a new coaching programme to tackle Differential Attainment
- Blog: My journey through fertility treatments
- Vice President portfolios announced
- Blog: Advancements in treating gynaecological cancers
- RCOG responds to latest maternity mortality rates
- Monthly blog from RCOG President – November 2022
- RCOG supports the defence of the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls
- Statement from the IMWG in response to the East Kent Independent Report Reading the Signals
- Monthly blog from RCOG President – December 2022
- Invited Review Service permanently closed at RCOG
- “Together we can achieve a lot”
- Human Rights Day 2023 RCOG Statement of Solidarity
- New Clinical Decision Support Tool to help improve maternity care secures funding for NHS trial
- RCOG Statement on the CQC annual national maternity survey
- RCOG welcomes report from Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust
- RCOG position on COVID-19 vaccine safety in pregnancy and breastfeeding
- RCOG and FSRH call for legal implementation of UK abortion clinic safe access zones within Public Order Bill
- RCOG calling for action to reduce number of women living with poor pelvic floor health
- Blog: International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM
- RCOG Good Practice Paper: Pain Relief and Informed Decision-Making for Outpatient Hysteroscopy
- Draft guideline on Outpatient Hysteroscopy opens for consultation
- RCOG statement on the earthquake in Turkey and Syria
- RCOG responds to new HRT prescription prepayment certificates
- Upcoming NHS strike action planned in England by junior doctors and consultants
- RCOG appoints next Women's Voices Lead
- RCOG signs pledge to UK Health Alliance on Climate Change
- Blog: Sexual and reproductive health and rights must remain a priority for the UK’s agenda for global gender equality
- RCOG and women’s health organisations joint statement on stigma and shame in women’s health services
- RCOG statement on Government response to the independent review of maternity services at the East Kent NHS Trust
- RCOG comment on the Government funding for Women’s Health Hubs
- RCOG President's blog – March 2023
- RCOG statement on the publication of the Three Year Delivery Plan for Maternity and Neonatal Services in England
- Independent Maternity Working Group gives cautious welcome to three-year delivery plan for maternity and neonatal services
- NMPA clinical midwifery fellow deployed to Turkey as data manager following earthquakes
- RCOG responds to Women and Equalities Committee report: Black maternal health
- Professional bodies publish joint statement on achieving success with the women’s health hub model
- RCOG Letter of support to Sudan
- Blog: Raising awareness of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)
- Blog: Sims Black Award
- Celebrating the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III
- RCOG statement on the publication of the ‘Saving Babies’ Lives 2023: A report on progress’ by Sands and Tommys’ Policy Unit
- RCOG President's blog – May 2023
- RCOG statement on Davina McCall's 'Pill Revolution'
- Blog: The RCOG’s work to influence policy in women’s health
- Blog: Our Twin and Multiple Pregnancy research to be presented at the RCOG Congress
- Reforming Abortion Law Position Statement
- New toolkit released to tackle stigma experienced by abortion care providers (1)
- New report indicates that almost half of all Black mothers do not feel educated on the fetal impact of air pollution exposure during pregnancy
- Revolutionary technique using 3D printing and sound waves to measure intrauterine pressure (2)
- Supporting women through recurrent miscarriage: breaking the burden of silence
- Dr Eddie Morris, former RCOG President, recognised in King’s Birthday Honours list
- Now on demand: The impact of climate change on women’s health
- RCOG publishes resources to support women experiencing recurrent miscarriage
- Making Abortion Safe Programme
- Blog: Our fertility journey as a same sex couple
- Blog: Impact of Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) on Fetal Anomaly Screening since its introduction into the NHS
- RCOG welcomes the publication of the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan
- The case for reinvestment in global sexual and reproductive health
- RCOG urges Peers to support amendment to retain the 72-hour limit on detention of pregnant women seeking asylum in the UK
- The Role of the Women's Network and Patient and Public Involvement in Obstetric and Gynaecology Services
- NHS Race and Health Observatory releases review of neonatal assessments which focus on skin colour
- RCM and RCOG statement in support of Birth Companions Birth Charter for women with involvement from children’s social care
- RCOG release statement following Government’s full response to the review of maternity services at the East Kent NHS Trust
- RCOG responds to the publication of the Pregnancy Loss Review
- RCOG President's blog – July 2023
- RCOG welcomes RCM perinatal mental health roadmap
- UCL academics announce plans for UK’s first menopause education programme
- RCOG welcomes the success of the UK’s first womb transplant
- RCOG response to latest MBRRACE-UK perinatal mortality report
- RCOG statement in response to sexual assault in surgery testimonials
- Maternity Colleges urge pregnant women to have flu and Covid-19 vaccines this autumn
- Blog: Clare’s story on Lichen Sclerosus and vulval cancer – Awareness saves lives
- RCOG Senior and Global Health Vice President receives the Essex Medical Society’s Outstanding Doctors Award
- World Contraception Day 2023: Access to quality contraception care is essential for gynaecological health
- RCOG President's blog – September 2023
- RCOG welcomes updated NICE Intrapartum Care guidance
- RCOG President elected as Trustee for UKHACC
- Union Street hold UK Mum Awards 2023
- Periods, textbooks and plastic cups
- FIGO global initiative sets out focused actions to end conflict-related sexual violence
- The RCOG responds to latest data on national maternity mortality rates
- RCOG welcomes Maternity Neonatal Safety Support Programme Cymru Discovery Phase Report
- Raising awareness of the menopause
- NHS England publishes implementation guidance for Perinatal Pelvic Health Services
- RCOG response to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and Israel
- RCOG responds to ’The State of Health Care and Adult Social Care in England’ CQC report
- Reflecting on the role of coaching in tackling barriers to career progression
- Understanding and addressing the influence of colonialism on Obstetrics and Gynaecology specialty training in the UK
- Blog: Five Countries Meeting trainee bursary
- Maternity Safety Alliance call for statutory public inquiry in England
- RCOG and Max Healthcare collaborate to bring prestigious MRCOG programme to North India
- New RCOG research highlights the huge impact of gynaecological conditions on women globally, predominantly in low- and middle-income countries
- Blog: RCOG Fellow and Member Admission Ceremony in Malaysia
- Blog: Distinguished Service Medal winner Tom McFarlane
- RCOG publishes Good Practice Paper on Maternity Triage
- Blog: Women’s Visiting Gynaecological Club Prize
- RCOG President's blog – December 2023
- Breaking barriers: Universal health coverage and the right to safe abortion
- The RCOG welcomes important new study uncovering the cause of pregnancy sickness
- The RCOG responds to the MBRRACE-UK Perinatal Confidential Enquiry Reports
- Blog: Ethicon Travel Award 2021
- NHS strike action planned by junior doctors in England
- Blog: Modernising obstetrics and gynaecology training- Unveiling Curriculum 2024
- The RCOG responds to the MBRRACE-UK maternal mortality 2020-2022 report
- DHSC host Women’s Health Summit at Union Street
- RCOG issues guidance for healthcare professionals on involving the police following abortion and pregnancy loss
- RCOG statement on BBC Panorama programme ‘Midwives under Pressure’
- The RCOG welcomes report on the FCDO’s approach to sexual and reproductive health
- Updated RCOG Green-Top Guideline on The Management of Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy and Hyperemesis Gravidarum published
- Blog: My experience of Hyperemesis Gravidarum
- RCOG publishes Good Practice Paper on Managing Events Surrounding a Maternal Death
- RCOG responds to the CQC 2023 National Maternity Survey
- RCOG President's blog – March 2024
- Long awaited investment in maternity safety announced in latest budget
- International Women’s Day event highlights innovations in women’s health
- Blog: Experiences of past RCOG Council member Tim Overton
- Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists strongly opposes proposed repeal of the ban on FGM in The Gambia
- RCOG responds to the latest NHS annual staff survey
- Blog - RCOG Vice President for Clinical Quality, Geeta Kumar
- RCOG National Trainer of the Year Awards 2024
- RCOG launched new project to improve surgery training in partnership with Hologic
- Gynaecology waiting lists leave thousands of women waiting too long for care
- RCOG announce new collaborative project | Taking action to deliver low carbon, equitable maternity care
- RCOG launches patient information resources in various languages
- Maternity Action, RCOG and RCM publish updated guidance on supporting access to maternity care for women affected by NHS charging
- RCOG President's blog – May 2024
- RCOG response to Maternity and Newborn Safety Investigations national learning report
- Specialists in Fetal Medicine – concerns over amendments to alter abortion limits
- RCOG responds to APPG Birth Trauma inquiry report and the Saving Babies Lives’ progress report
- The RCOG vision for women’s healthcare for the next government
- Blog from RCOG President: maternity safety
- RCOG calls for the next UK government to set an ambitious vision for women’s health throughout the life course
- The Royal Foundation Business Taskforce for Early Childhood’s Case for Change report - Prioritising early childhood for a happier, healthier society
- Draft patient information resource on Outpatient Hysteroscopy opens for consultation
- RCOG launch clinical research eLearning resource for the National Institute of Healthcare Research
- Joint statement on Whooping Cough from RCPCH, RCOG, RCM and RCGP
- RCOG statement on ITV programme ‘Maternity: Broken Trust’
- Blog from RCOG President: College invites health professionals managing growing elective gynaecology waiting lists to share experiences
- Blog: Sims Black Travelling Professorship 2023
- Clean Air Day 2024: RCOG joins calls for a global treaty to phase out fossil fuels and transition to renewable energy
- The RCOG responds to the general election manifestos published this week
- Two RCOG Vice Presidents reflect on the 2024 National Trainees Conference
- New UK Government must set an ambitious vision for women’s health
- RCOG announces new council members for 2024
- RCOG responds to MBRRACE-UK perinatal mortality report
- RCOG response to a review of quality of care provided to adult patients with endometriosis
- Two-thirds of obstetricians and gynaecologists experience work-related trauma
- Blog: Sims Black Travelling Professorship 2023 (1)
- RCOG calls on new government to take urgent action on gynaecology care crisis
- Blog from RCOG President: RCOG calls for new government to tackle inequalities in women’s health
- RCOG President condemns riots and racial attacks
- RCOG President's blog – August 2024
- Why sustainability in maternity care matters to us
- RCOG publishes update to Green-top Guideline on Outpatient Hysteroscopy
- Blog: Tackling discrimination across the O&G workforce – our next steps
- RCOG response to report investigating temporary staff integration into healthcare providers
- “Get it right for women and everyone benefits” RCOG responds to the Darzi Review
- RCOG welcomes the introduction of abortion clinic buffer zones
- “Urgent, multi-pronged action is needed to tackle complex, deep-rooted issues.” RCOG response to CQC National Review of Maternity Services in England
- Blog: Harkness Fellow
- RCOG stands in solidarity with countries affected by conflict
- Next phase of ABC programme to reduce brain injuries at birth commences
- RCOG responds to MBRRACE-UK report, Saving Lives, Improving Mothers’ Care
- My Congress: Jane Plumb MBE FRCOG FRSA, RCOG Women’s Voices Lead
- My Congress: Sherif Abdel-Fattah, MD, FRCOG
- Blog from RCOG President: October 2024
- Women’s health practitioners gather for world leading Congress
- RCOG responds to government pledges to strengthen patient safety following CQC operational review
- RCOG sets out recommendations for NHS England and UK government policy changes to address inequalities in Black, Asian and minority ethnic women’s health and care in England
- National consultation on the future of the NHS – have your say
- RCOG responds to Care Quality Commission’s The state of health care and adult social care in England 2023/24 report
- Blog: What Black History Month means to me
- RCOG welcomes the introduction of Safe Access Zones around abortion clinics in England and Wales
- RCOG responds to the Autumn Statement
- RCOG welcome the UK Government’s Tobacco and Vapes Bill
- RCOG responds to Maternity and Newborn Safety Investigations programme (MNSI) annual report
- RCOG response to the National consultation on the future of the NHS
- RCOG responds to House of Lords Preterm Birth Committee report
- New RCOG report reveals devastating impact of UK gynaecology care crisis on women and NHS staff
- Blog from RCOG President: College publishes new report on the gynaecology care crisis
- Get it right for women and everyone benefits: a call for the public and staff in women’s health services to respond to ‘Change NHS’ and shape the NHS 10 Year Plan
- New patient animation sets out what to expect from a caesarean birth
- Blog: Point of Care Ultrasound in O&G
- Blog: 16 Days of Activism - Empowering healthcare workers to combat violence against women
- RCOG continues push towards race equity with a new report
- RCOG responds to the CQC 2024 National Maternity Survey
- Blog: Community Fellowship Programme and AOFOG Conference 2024
- RCOG responds to the Prime Minister’s speech on Plan for Change
- RCOG welcomes The Women’s Health Plan: A 10-year Vision for Women’s Health in Wales
- RCOG responds to Women and Equalities Committee report on women’s reproductive health conditions
- RCOG President’s blog: December 2024
- RCOG responds to the National State of Patient Safety 2024 report
- RCOG responds to MBRRACE-UK’s Perinatal confidential enquiry report
- New journal paper explores women’s experiences of OASI Care Bundle during pregnancy and birth
- RCOG responds to Government’s Elective Reform Plan
- Leading authorities call for urgent action by Parliament to protect women’s essential reproductive rights
- The RCOG responds to the MBRRACE-UK maternal mortality 2021 - 2023 data
- The RCOG welcomes government response to House of Lords Preterm Birth Committee report
- Blog: Clean Air Night 2025
- RCOG calls for stronger action on climate change to protect women’s health now and in the future
- RCOG responds to reports that central support for women’s health hubs will end
- RCOG responds to the NHS operational planning guidance
- President's blog: January 2025
- RCOG responds to ONS data on endometriosis and employment status
- RCOG responds as long waiting times for gynaecology continue
- RCOG Improving O&G Surgical Training project report identifies critical areas for future action
- Blog: Tackling challenges in O&G surgical skills training
- Government commitments on Women and Equalities Committee ‘Women’s reproductive health conditions’ report: RCOG response
- Organisations call for the Government to accelerate action on women’s health
- Charities and health organisations call for Government action as only 5% of women think women’s health is being treated as a priority
- RCOG calls for investment in global gynaecological health as a critical issue of equity and rights
- RCOG responds to new abortion commissioning guidance
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